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What is the black beast that you need to overcome? This song identifies
blacklisted people, wrongly accused - activists, outsiders, afflicted ones. Everyone
has a dark shadow side to their nature. Who is the black beast? Is he Bin Laden
or the internationalist chameleon money-changers using a left-hand conspirators
agenda? Ritual: Close your eyes and focus on the inner, mystical blackening
within, as a lamp shining in a dark place, until the morning star arises in your
heart. Now focus on the black Madonna which is symbolic of the masculine bride or
the light-woman Shulamite. The white light on the black light. Ambassador
Functionaries: Lighthouse Lightbearers, Manifest Sonized Overcomers, Elijah/Moses
witnesses, Ambassador Angel Spirit Stars.
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What is the power you are trusting in? This is the song which sounds out
the call to experience the coming of Christ now within and later without. We ride
God's chariot throne now knowing the caught up experience overcoming the beast,
the false prophet and Antichrist within the system - political Babylon.
Ritual: Surrender to God in your spirit and become his vehicle of expression
on the earth. Gently rock from side to side, synchronising your breathing
with the rhythm of the song. Close your eyes and stand on your toes in a cruciform
stance with arms outstretched. Simulate the translated, caught up experience
in the Father's embrace. Bi-locate experiencing transportation. Twirl arms around
in the air, being a cherub. Facilitators: Ambassador Angel Spirit Stars,
Enlightened Ones Shining, Shulamite Chariot Throne Rider.
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Who is the beloved you are spiritually bonded to? This song involves the
divine masculine and feminine working together in harmony. The Magdalene represents
the shining darkness within - the white light on the black light. The shepherd-king
priest with staff holding the solar lunar disc depicting inner solarisation; sun
and moon representing bride and bridegroom, kingship and priesthood functioning
together as one as Ambassador, Angel, Spirit Stars. Ritual: We access the
Magdalene, Shulamite white light on the black light by closing our eyes and focussing
on the mystical darkness within. Experience mystical marriage, the solar lunar eclipse,
the lightning rod anointing, futuristic fusion, being one with the eternal couple,
citizens of the celestial city. Facilitators: Manifest, Sonized Overcomers.
Beloved Bonders.
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Are you united with the universal bride wonderchild? Being a diplomat, ambassador,
peacemaker? This song was inspired by a dream I had of John Fogerty, hearing
a D major chord descending to an F#m chord being fingerpicked. The dream quickened
- "a little child shall lead them" (Isaiah 11:6). The song reflects the bride wonderchild
archetype - a universal mediatorial image, one everyone can relate to being a symbol
of peace, unity and love. The image creates an unconscious resonance in us all - where
we aspire to eternal youth, honouring the inner child in all. Ritual: Become
Sonized, blended as one with God. Experience the bride wonderchild by resting in the
arms of Jesus repeating the phrase "Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus". The Deofold represents
us as sheltering under God's wings, enfolded, sonized, blended as one with him. "And
she brought forth a man child who was to rule all the nations with a rod of iron."
(Revelation 12:5). Applies to both millennial and eternal state Functionaries:
Ambassador, Peacemaker, Enthroned Saints experiencing Deofold.
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Are you united with your higher self? Have you let your bereaved loved ones go?
Can you access your masculine side? This song identifies with the masculine bride,
the divine masculine/feminine, the Shulamite being King Solomon's feminine called
the Lightwoman. Beware the dark woman shadow side. Revelation 12:4 - "Another wonder
appeared - a dragon with seven heads and ten horns for to devour her child." Satan
wants to abort the male child. Ritual: Identify with your inner self, your
divine parent. As you breathe in repeat the words "Father, Mother". Visualise the
Sunwoman,Phoenix Sunbird Maria and experience a new state of awareness. Visualise car
headlights and the light woman before you. All the dark imagery passing by sacrificed,
lost loved ones, catastrophes, heartaches, give way before the image. Begin to wail and
lament before the image, letting go and letting God. Ambassador functionaries:
Shulamite Chariot Throne Rider, Post Resurrectional Numinous Glory Seekers.
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Are you a demonic hybrid or an enlightened one shining? This song describes the
demonic seed entering into man who participates in the nature of Satan instead of the likeness
and nature of God. Son of Satan cursed upon your bed speaks of the totality of darkness entering
into man. Some of the names used for the demonic hybrid are: Necronomicon, Walking with the Dead,
Nephilm, Devilwoman, Homo Lesbo Clone. "The sons of God entered into the daughters of men"
(Genesis 6:2) Spiritual Babylon is identified with Lucifer and the flying serpent, the serpent
seed (Isaiah 14:29) seen in the false ecclesiastical church, feminism and the one world government.
Ritual: Keeping your eyes focused on the man in white linen with the golden girdle, in
white light, imagine you are looking through a white veil, going through purification,
transformation, transfiguration. Ambassador Functionaries: Godmen walking with man in linen
in gold redeeming light. Melchizedekians, King-Priests enthroned in light.
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Don't vote for bloodsucking vampires. Become a Lightbearer Peoples Rights Activist.
All the politicians have sold their souls to Lucifer and the New World Order, being for the
master race plan for population elimination. Psychiatry should not be used as a weapon. All
psychiatrists should be born-again, not Judas Priests controlling the masses through drug-induced
mind control. The words Power to the People, Freedom of Rights, Fascist Ruling Elite Be Gone.
Highlights the need for a divine constitution, direct democracy, family restoration, centrenomics,
Kiwi Green Pact. Ritual: Imagine men in white fighting against men in black. These are
ambassadors of light, diplomatic agents of law change contrasted to Luciferian bloodsucking vampires.
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What ghosts are rising up in your life? This song describes my experience in Frankton,
facing an end-time battle between the sons of light and the sons of darkness. Each one of
us is encouraged to get on board the Glory Train and to connect with the ghosts in our lives
- unresolved issues, unfinished business; to talk to the Lord Jesus about these issues
bringing our ghosts to the light, being a profiler investigator. Ritual: See yourself
clothed in God's armour of light, boarding God's Glory Train as a Spiritual Cartographer,
repenting on behalf of the forefathers, shutting the gates to the Demonic Switching Station
where demonic footsoldiers with evil assignments are sent out along definite spirit trails.
We desire to show the relationship between suicide and demonic dark spots and laylines.
Mobilising facilitators: King-Priest Melchizedekians, Apocalyptic Starlighters,
Intercessors and Prophet Watchmen.
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Have you processed your journey as a Pilgrim Traveller? Are you fulfilling your divine call,
manifesting destiny in your life? Imagine your own life story being portrayed. The scenes
from my own life took me from Pukemiro, to Ngaruawahia, to Waikeria, to Auckland, to Waiuru,
Rotorua and Hamilton. From childhood to young adult, to maturity and older age, I have found
my reason for living in being an evangelist, a Republican candidate, a masculist and a suicidologist
life-saver. Manifest destiny has brought me to the point in my evolution where I am fulfilling my
call in life. I invite you to do the same. Ritual: Behold your own shadow and imagine
the positive/negative filament of a light bulb. Repeating the refrain from the song: "oo,oo oo,
from the darkness to the morning light, I think I'll be all right" - thereby experiencing a
creative awareness of the oneness of life within integrating with your shadow.
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Are you prepared for third world war in the spirit on the hill of the Lord, fighting
anti-life forces? The splitting of the atom created the devastation of the atom bomb
so the anti-family, femi-fascist, ruling elitist agenda has led to the destruction of
society as we know it. The Antichrist arises out of the temple and counterfeits the true
sacrifice. Judas himself is a type of antichrist arising from within. The business roundtable,
the super-elite, the United Nations, the Jesuits, Freemasons, Illuminati, Bilderbergers and
the Club of Rome, including the ecclesiastical church, all represent the beast system - 666.
Ambassador Functionaries: Daystar ministers experiencing apostolic affirmation, Lamb
Lion Shepherd Kings, Manifest Sonized Overcomers - homeless preachers committed to voluntary poverty.
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Have you become God's cherub angel - always nurturing, giving enjoying life? This is
a religio-political song focussing on the joker as a spiritual activist, exposing Satan's evil
black jesters within the system, trafficking in children, creating perverse family forms, not
recognising the rights of biological parents and God's family. Ecclesiastical Babylon has become
political Babylon. "The city reigneth over the kings of the earth" (Revelation 17:18). This
devilwoman is called Jezebel and works through the false church using a femi-fascist agenda,
being anti-male, anti-father and mother, anti-family. A one-world government consisting of
internationalists, chameleon money-changers,Babylonian priests and world leaders, control
everything and everyone. Ritual: Talk to your guardian angel, going through the ladder
of light - God's eternal rainbow, entering into Angelic Apostleship, becoming a Social Justice advocate.
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Are you living within the veil riding with the king? The white light upon the blue light
of the sapphire stone I'm looking through you, the King in Sapphire Blue is looking through a
white veil, seeing the world through God's eyes. "And the Gentiles shall come to thy light and
kings to the brightness of thy rising" (Isaiah 60:3). The Gentile converts become Lighthouse
Lightbearers, reflecting God's perfections. Ritual: Go into your own secret chamber seeing the
throne room. Prostrate yourself before the Lord Jesus. Sit on the Lord's knee. Imagine the curtain
being blue and the room being blue. Ambassador Functionaries: Angelic Apostleship entering
transfigured light, becoming the cherub within the cherubim.
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Are you a pilgrim traveller willing to prostrate yourself before God's throne, feeling the
light and moving on? This song is a pilgrim's map of my life taking the listener from
childhood to adulthood, and older. Its a cry to the Lord Jesus Christ for deliverance and
healing from trauma, heartache, despair and death. It is also a cry from the heart for
reconciliation, relief and restoration of the collective shadow of all of humankind. We all
suffer redemptively and Christ is crucified in each one of us. "I rejoice in my sufferings,
filling up what is behind in the afflictions of Christ." (Colossians 1:24) Ritual:
Practice the crossed-out, cruciform ritual, look at your shadow then lie prostrate in the
shape of a cross on the floor, groaning with words which cannot be uttered, binding your and
other people's wounds into the cross, suffering redemptively. Ambassador Functionaries:
Pilgrim Traveller, Redemptive Sufferer, Wounded Healer.
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Are you feeling butchered in two, needing deliverance from the present demonic system, needing
to be beamed up? Using the imagery of a butcher's axe to describe the systematic putdown and
abuse of men, fathers and mothers by a femi-fascist, killing-field machine. Businesses don't serve
customers any more. We have the worst health care system in the world. We experience self-inflicted
persecution and systematic bleeding. The words "hello world" are a satirical mockery of a two-faced,
hypocritical bureaucracy along with a cry for paradise. Ritual: Pretend your hand is an axe
and hit the table while working through issues, problems and your disgust with the way the world is.
You may like to scream into a pillow as you strike out. Ambassador Functionaries: Realists
facing the real ones. Grief facilitators, Primal Screamers using fury expression..
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Have you put away your death rattles and voodoo dolls? The lyrics are sung tongue in cheek,
seemingly making light of a very serious problem, namely suicide - being so common and complex with
people doing it anyway. Phrases like 'valley of death', 'benumbed brain yelling', 'no brain no pain',
'don't hold your breath', 'put out the rubbish', 'life don't come cheap', 'anti-disestablishment',
reflect the contradictory irony of life. Suicide is treated like a joke in modern times with men
treated as dispensable. Ritual: Put on blue clothing, working through negative feelings in
order to break through into clear seeing. Practice suicide first aid. Make a connection with your
higher power. Affirm reasons for dying and living and put in place a safety plan. Ambassador
Functionaries: Spiritual counsellors, Celestial City Visionaries, grief facilitators.
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'From the flames of the androgynation comes the phoenix to remasculate...'. Features George
Paul on guitar and Glenda Pepper's backing vocals.
RITUALS: (i) The black ashes, grief facilitation process; coming up out of the black hole dealing
with trauma, depression, heartache and so on. (ii) Realising your true identity; identifying the
invisible ghost within; awareness of your spirit, soul and body in a holistic way. (iii) Being
aware of those who have ended their lives; invisible ghosts empowering Peoples Rights Advocates
to act on their behalf, setting free or releasing their spirits, making their sacrifice count.
(iv) The primal scream, rebirthing, shrieking ritual embodying fury expression.
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'Haunted ghost in the noose, pc ghostbusters on the loose'. More George and Glenda.
RITUALS: (i) "Empowerment Ritual" identifying with your spirit, the "I am that I am"
within; breathing deeply feeling the rhythm of the Guiding Light within saying "Ya Ha, Wa Ha";
expressing the Lion-Eagle-Star roar - Rar!
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'Surfing on through the jacinth stone in the day of the Lord ....'. Help from George Paul and Glenda Pepper.
RITUALS: i) See your inner being as a solarised sun transmitting light through a glass-like
jacinth stone, imparting spiritual energy, enhancing your wellbeing and health. ii) The cosmic
surfboard ritual allowing the light of the inner radiant sun to shine through your spirit riding
the yellow-green sunshine beam. iii) The frog and fly rebirthing butterfly ritual, coming out of
the swamp and into the Light. iv) The 'Black Hole, Cross and Star' ritual, taking us through the
eighth door into conscious awareness of "The Day of the Lord". v) See your inner being as a mirror
reflecting the beautiful angelic smile. vi) The 'Inner Sanctuary' ritual, experiencing power from
within, putting on a luminous garment of light, shining forth brightly with the inner glow of awareness.
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'He's a wonder working father with the heart of a mother'. More help from Glenda.
RITUALS: i) The 'Mother of Pearl' ritual beholds a radiant white ball of light experienced
within your spirit symbolising the Universal Father/Mother, the Shulamite masculine bride, the New
Jerusalem, the Father/Mother synergy accessing the Male Child King Warrior within. ii) Beholding
the white orb and being devoted to its energy producing self-sacrificial spiritual martyrdom,
symbolic death and rebirth leading to new life and inner transformation. iii) The 'Looking Glass'
ritual peers into the mirror of the white orb and sees a true reflection, hence the beholder
devotes the self to being Drug Free, Addiction Free, attaining a natural high.
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'Knights Templar, crusader, king warrior, freedom fighter....'. The activist as warrior.
RITUALS: i) The Om chant, the American Indian cry and the Maori Haka are a call to battle
to stand and fight for your beliefs and rights in the face of great opposition, bringing to birth
a new order. The ritual involves the Blue Knight March, the War Cry Dance and Mystic Visualisation
responding to the challenge, running the gauntlet, counting the coup, being a deathless warrior
like Crazy Horse. ii) The 'Invisible Ghost Dance' ritual revealing humiliation at Wounded Knee,
whereby men form a circle invoking the Universal Father, chanting the names of the departed, wailing
and shrieking out their grief and throwing dust into the air. iii) The 'Blue Knight' ritual is a
call to the Sons of Light and the Universal Church to stand, unite and pray against anti-life forces
attacking our society, restoring the father back to the family, upholding truth, justice and what
is right for all. iv) The 'Blue Knight Meditation' ritual - close your eyes, breathe deeply, see
your inner eye, the Blue Knight Apparition, merge with the Blue Knight sea of consciousness, affirm
your inner being through inner solarisation involving expression of tones, Lion Eagle Star roar
and inner restoration.
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'Scapegoating the professional bodies'. Jack's controversial 'funeral shock' song.
RITUALS: We need grief facilitation processes at the coalface creating therapeutic
communities. Instead of waiting for people to go to the professional body, we take the healing
processes out to where people are at. Grieve along with the process, put your arms around
yourself, rock yourself from side to side, focusing on your breathing, letting out a sigh - you
identify blurred spots within your energy body. Practice talking therapy, becoming a compassionate
friend to those around you.
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'Put on our solarised glasses, tune in, turn on and drop out'. Jack and Glenda in lighter mood. Cuckoo.
RITUALS: This song creates a vehicle for expression allowing participants to channel the light
into the community, being a cosmic participant in the alternative celestial band. Its a call to stand
with the alternative family. Put on your solarised glasses, close your eyes, tune into your
heart, allowing the Divine Energy flow to impart healing holistically. If you are a Christian repeat
the "Come Lord Jesus" prayer in harmony with your breath.
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'Bureaucrats turning a blind eye to suicide'.
RITUALS: Sleepwalkers, zombies, the walking dead, represent those in society who are in
darkness - the unaware/non-spiritual. The enlightened ones who are sons of light are those who
are aware of the spirit walking in the light. In the reunion, the bridge to life - riding the
rainbow, we depict the process of transcending all by becoming consciously aware. We become
spiritual activists, warrior kings - an example of those who bring change and transformation
within the bourgeoisie system, controlling everything through the ruling elite, operating
through feminism, academic qualifications, top-dog condescending attitudes using intimidation,
arrogance and aloofness.
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Things will be better in utopian Republic Aeotearoa. More vocals from Glenda.
RITUALS: This song speaks of being a spiritual activist, fighting to bring in direct
democracy, honouring people power, a culture of rights. The green fields of milk and honey -
Utopia, describes an ideal community where families can live together in peace and harmony,
with justice for all, experiencing light, love and liberty within the Promised Land. Republicans
walk hand in hand, working together for the ultimate good of all concerned.
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'Cherubim glory cloud .... railing feminazis'. Glenda helps out again on vocals.
RITUALS: Represents a spiritual counsellor who deepens into the light, becoming one with
the Cherubim invisible divine chariot within the body of holies. The King Priest Son of Light
commits dead loved ones to the Lord, remitting their sin, journeying them on into the light.
The divine rainbow takes us through twelve coloured ribbons, depicting twelve stages of being
ambassadors of light and the alternative healing process.
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'On a natural high with Jesus' is where its at. 'Satan's planning to take the youth to hell'.
RITUALS: This is a religious/political song describing the state of the nation in view of
its moral, ethical views, i.e. Jezabelic, sexual depravity, free for all liberal hedonism, expressing
itself within a feministic parallel reality, allowing drugs, pornography, blocking out pain through
addictions. It describes an idealistic pure state of awareness being a Breatharian, dependent on
fresh air for wholeness and healing, on a natural high, committed to Universal celibacy or a
spiritual/holistic approach. We should not discriminate against heterosexuals.