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The Church of Zion
Stones of fire (video) - 1
Jack's new church slideshow
Practising & Proclaiming the Priesthood - pamphlet
Truths to be Recovered - 1
Truths to be Recovered - 2
Restoration Ministries
Practising & proclaiming the priesthood
Daystar Apostleship - God's Eternal Rainbow
Levitical Zadokites - Melchisedek and the Man in Linen
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New Testament Realignment2
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Advocacy Training Service

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The Church of Zion
missing image The Church of Zion began when God spoke to me about new revelation he wanted to give me on Tribal identification and Daystar Apostleship (2 Peter 1:19; Revelation 22:12). We started to identify with the Heavenly hierarchical structure and the thrust forward to the third level, bringing in the reign of Christ and the Kingdom Age. God showed me Daniel's timeline prophecy being fulfilled by 2017. There was an Omega transition occurring taking us into a new spiritual paradigm - from the Church Age into the Kingdom Age.

We are on the cusp and need to march forward to claim our inheritance. There were truths needing to be recovered - being co-crucified and co-resurrected with Christ, identifying ourselves as headship believers becoming God's Manifest Sons; the Pauline and Messianic lines combined being overcomers, Angel messengers, miniature Jerusalems and Daystar Apostles.

Jack's sermons on the stones of fire - YOUTUBE

Jack's sermon on the stones of fire - 1

Jack's sermon on the stones of fire - 2

Jack's new church slideshow
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Rev 2:6 "I hate the deeds of the clergy over the laity". 1 Kings 12:30-31 "High place bulls of gold are with false priests, not with the sons of Levi with the mercy seat cherubim and most holy place".

1. My objective is to show what's wrong with the current Nicolaitan hierarchical structure, and to define the priesthood.
Dean Julian Perkins, and wardens from the Anglican hierarchy, prevented me from sharing Christ with young people and objected to my sharing the Lord Jesus Christ with congregational members. Why discriminate against a heterosexual father with his son while supporting a gay father and his child? Why attack a compassionate man for operating a Suicide Prevention trust, a Families4Justice trust as well as a Patient's Rights trust? They have abused me as a father and a healthcare worker. They then denied state and religious based abuse with thousands of children in New Zealand, preventing myself from putting lifelines into place within the dark hole of traumatised humanity. Why deny my work in supporting Anglican ministers such as Archbishop Tony Clark, Bishop Moxon and cousin Catholic Bishop Michael Gielen, Willie Graham, Allan Shortland and Kay Kahui, all Anglican ministers? Julian Perkins has a false understanding of scripture, failing to recognise the Triune God accessed through the Lord Jesus Christ and failing to recognise the priesthood of all believers. Martin Luther stated that there is no priest class as we are all of equal status with our Lord Jesus, the High Priest. Consider Oliver Cromwell and William of Orange: statesmen, protectors and reformers who recognised the priesthood of all believers. I am a spiritual father, frontline worker and a reformer.

2. The Definition of a Priest.
In Hebrews 5:1, every high priest is selected from among people appointed to represent the people in matters related to God; to offer gifts and sacrifices for sin. Therefore, all members of the body of Christ are responsible for the functioning of the church and church meetings. Christ is a fulfilment of Ps 110 motif with the Davidic figure who exercises King Priesthood, depending on God by crying out in trust with his experience of utter despair and descent into death. Heb 5:7 "who in the days of his flesh offered up prayers with strong crying and tears, to him who is able to save him from death". This applies to Christ and us as priests. We are made priests and also are priests in the making, to the extent that we suffer with humanity, divinising us with God's nature, to the extent we become King Priests. The apostle Paul states, "We have many things to say and hard to be uttered concerning this revelation of sharing in the Melchizedekian priesthood" (Heb 5:10). Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses, all Israel, functioned as priests. Priests minister to God and to man, not only in service to God but also through worship, call to be open before God in order to be filled with God's nature and Shekinah glory. Ex 19:4-6 the covenant keeping people and spiritual Israelites are "called to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation". 1 Pet 2:5,9 "Like living stones you are built up into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood …... you are a holy nation, a royal priesthood". Rev 1:6 "unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood making us kings and priests unto his God and Father". Rev 5:9-10 "and has made us kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth". Rev 20:6 "But they (caught up saints) shall reign as priests with Him a thousand years (during the Millennium). Even Paul the apostle became a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles in the priestly service of the gospel of Christ. Rev 21:24 "the kings of the earth bring their glory and honour into the New Jerusalem, being kings of light". Rev 22:5 "the Lord God shall be their light and they shall reign forever". We are all God-anointed and God-appointed and don't have to go to a seminary/cemetery to be appointed. Its all about them and their hierarchical structure and not about us. 1 Cor 4:8 "…… ye have reigned as kings without us: and I would to God that ye did reign, that we also might reign with you".

3. We are all called to be priests, headship believers and the counterpart bride of Christ.
The priest acts as a gateway between heaven and earth. You are a holy nation, the new Levitical priests and a royal priesthood. All good Christians are holy priests and shall reign as kings and priests upon the earth. The lamb/lion/shepherd king with seven horns and seven eyes, overcoming the beast and the false prophet, has made us (Rev 1:6) kings and priests when the Lord comes now and in the future within the glory cloud. We are enthroned in him now through realised eschatology. The sevenfold condition of the Spirit and the intensified Spirit results in everyone being called priests and ministers (Isa 61:6). As headship believers, in union with the Lord Jesus Christ, we all have one of the fivefold ministries, becoming APEST - Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher. We all need to stand up in our belief, finding our identity in ministry in Christ with who we really are; the leader in us, In Tabernacles you hear the voice direct from the throne, seeing the Lord of hosts. This is a post-millennial perspective; the premillennial one produces a blocked future with no manifestation. We are the bride of Christ now, entering the bridal chamber. Rev 22:17 "the Spirit and the bride say come Lord Jesus". 2 Cor 11:2 "I have betrothed you to one husband as a pure bride".

4. David was a Prophet, Priest and King after the order of Melchizedek.
David wore the ephod, a type of the Urim and Thummim, the light and perfections oracle. 2 Samuel 6:14 "David danced before the Lord girded with a linen ephod". Also in Psalms 110 David is a figure for the Messianic Christ with an eternal priesthood. We as priests are called to wear the breastplate of light and perfection. 1 Thessalonians 5:8 "Let us who are of the day put on the breastplate of faith and love". The word Melchizedek means King of Light, and we are Sons of Light. Psalms 89:36 "His seed shall endure forever, his throne as the sun before me". As sons of David, we are called to reign upon the throne of David. The ultimate aim of the priesthood is to fight as warriors, establishing God's redemptive purposes. According to Zechariah 6:12 "The Lord of hosts says 'behold the man whose name is Branch, shall build the temple of the Lord, bearing the glory, sitting and ruling upon his throne. There shall be a priest upon his throne and the counsel of peace shall be between them both". We are branches of the branch and bear the twofold ministry of priesthood and kingship. Haggai 1:1-2 "Joshua is the high priest, Zerubbabel the governor and Haggai the prophet". We become comingled with the Lord, saturated with his presence when we function as priests, worshipping Christ. We then begin to reign as kings, receiving a word from God as prophets prophesying.

5. Levitical Zadokites, Melchizedekians, the Prince and Princely Community.
As apostolic daystar ministers, we are wise leader, Levi John celestial men. Numbers 25:13 speaks of an everlasting priesthood and Eze 48:11 testifies to "the priests are sanctified of the sons of Zadok". In Ezekiel's temple the allotments of the holy portion were given to the priests with the sanctuary in their midst. The Prince and the princely community. In Rev 22:16 the angel of the Lord of hosts is identified with the sanctuary and the Levitical Zadokites. Christ as the bright and morning star is wearing the Urim and Thummim with golden armour, identified with Ben Joseph, Ben Judah: all the tribes. People are missing out, not fulfilling their destinies and callings; neither are they partaking in their inheritance. The Body of Christ is held at ransom by these hierarchical leaders.

6. Being the cherubim, most holy place believers.
In Hebrews 9:4-5 Paul puts the golden censer and golden altar after the second veil which is called the holiest of all, along with the cherubim of glory shadowing the mercy seat. We are called to be mercy seat ministers releasing God's forgiveness, revealing God's father heart to others; committing lost souls to Christ. In Num 7:89 Moses talked to God face to face as the companion of God, a person who knew God's heart, becoming his beautification. We as priests need to be Spirit-lead testimonies to God's glory.

7. We are part of the universal priesthood identified with the lordship of Christ, theological aesthetics, arts and sanctuary health and wellness.
We are called to proclaim Christ as Lord over every sphere of the seven mountains being: family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government. We are called to establish the throne room rights of King Jesus, making us constitutional marshals with word dominion being a marshal in Hebrew, found in Ps 8:6. "Thou hast put all things under his feet", making man the apex, the crown, glory and high point of God's creation. Theological aesthetics, which is beauty of relationship to God, involves the senses contributing to faith. In Ex 31:2 Bezaleel and Oholiab are wise-hearted, given ability and craftsmanship to design artistic designs; gifted builders of a glorious building. There is no distinction between laymen and priest. We all need to worship God with our talents. Sanctuary health and wellness ministers - chaplains and pastors.

8. The three apostolates being the priesthood, mystic theology and daystar apostleship.
Having received revelation from the Lightwoman of Revelation 12, bringing forth the male child, Delta Force Company. I was told by the Lightwoman that all tribes and people from all races would have to work together to stem the tide of suicide, trauma and destruction. Everyone has to function as a priest today, cooperating with their Higher Power in order to save humanity. Mystic theology includes marriage to Christ, going prostrate before him, experiencing redemptive suffering as stigmatists, caught up believers and co-kings and co-warriors. Apostles are sent forth as messengers with a specific mission to establish churches as governors. According to Rom 1:5 "we have received grace and apostleship". Eph 3:5 "Now revealed to his apostles and prophets by the Spirit". There are seven New Testament apostles: Paul, Silvanus, Timothy, Andronicus, Junia, Epaphroditus and Titus. It's all about direct access, being affirmed and sent as representatives of Christ. Therefore, all Christians should be the salt and light within society. Daystar Apostleship identifies with the wall of the New Jerusalem, with 12 angels, gates, tribes and foundations. I believe in multitudinous apostleship.

9. The corporate Godmen at the golden altar.
In Revelation 8:2-3 another angel has a golden censer to mingle with the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar. The corporate Godman is a King Priest wearing the Urim and Thummim as a co-redeemer, co-intercessor, caught up stigmatist, co-king, co-warrior, who fights for God's purposes to be carried out in the earth. In Php 3:21 "Christ will change our lowly body to be like his glorious body". I believe, as glorified saints, we will carry the seven marks, redeeming the universe. Gal 6:17 "I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus". (Rev 15:7 and 19:12-13 ").

10. Defining Daystar Apostleship.
The apostles of the Lamb are mentioned in Revelation 21:13. The cubed city wall has twelve foundations. We step from faith in Messiah to the resurrected, ascended Christ, identifying with the two witnesses ascending then stepping into the cubed city diamond bubble. a) Breathing into the living stone focused on our spirit-man, breathing up and into the celestial city. b) Breathing out and up into God's divine, gold nature c) Breathing down into the pearly gates, the grain of sand with two secretions - death and resurrection. D) Breathe out, identifying with the angel at the gate. E) Identifying with the pillar of light, the tribe and the apostle.
Colour Stone Sonship Tribe Saint Function
Blue SapphireBlue knight Reuben Michael Listener
Yellow Jacinth Ruler noble Ephraim Andrew Supporter
Black Sardonyx Angel prince Manass. James Grief fac.
Red Chalcedony Ruler noble Gad Simon Z Freedom F
Green Emerald Son of light Asher Philip Healer
Turquoise Chrysop Lightbearer Zebulun James L Trauma R
Burgundy Ruby Eloh Govnr. Judah Jude Th. Uplifter
Amber Beryl King Priest Levi John Wise Ldr.
Purple Amethyst Princes Benjamin Paul Ins.Seer
White Topaz ManifestSons Issachar Nath. Humanitarian
Silver Jasper Sh.KingPriests Simeon Peter Mess.Hope
Gold Chrysolite God-men Naphtali Thomas Supervisor

11. Consecration to the Priesthood and Overseership and ordination prayers.
Priests in the church are called to build up the congregation, to share people's joys and sorrows, recalling those who fall away, to heal and help the sick. They are called to be pastors. Bishops are overseers, chief pastors. Ordained person replies "God is calling me to this ministry". (Jack Gielen, Church of Zion 0276780867 www.reigningingrace.org)

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The ABCs of God's eternal purpose by Jack Gielen, Church of Zion. Phone 027 6780867

* Is your allegiance with the pastor or with the Lord Jesus Christ?
* Are you a student of the word and of prayer?
* Are you a manifest son, bringing in the New Jerusalem or a hybrid, a cuckoo in the nest who is not an eagle saint?
* Are you fulfilling your call in Christ, being fully surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ who has done it all for you, empowering you to live a holy life?
* Do you believe in co-death and co-resurrection with Christ, being one with Christ in his death, burial, resurrection and ascension? Co-glorification and God-likeness.

When we are identified with the person of Christ through spiritual baptism, he lives his life in and through us as the life-quickening Spirit. He dispenses the triune God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, into our hearts.

"Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:" (Ephesians 2:5-6 AV)

"And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit." (1 Corinthians 15:45 AV)

You are either a 'technon' newborn baby son or a 'huios' led by the Spirit, moving from a natural soulish man to a fully grown spiritual man. Paul refers to "attaining to perfect manhood" and "the fulness of the stature of the measure of Christ" consummating in the manifest sons. Christ is referred to as "growing in wisdom and stature and favour with God and man" (Luke 2:42), therefore becoming a son involves growing spiritually, mentally, physically and socially.

"…… unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:" (Ephesians 4:13 AV)

"And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne." (Revelation 12:5 AV)

We are caught up within the glory cloud deofold which is the man child group, the glorified corporate son and transformed god-men.

Many believers today, who are led astray, are stuck on a treadmill, not moving from a primary learning level to a high school and university of life level; feeding on milk and not the meat of the word.

Are you identified with the historical Christ or the post-resurrectional Christ, as well as the past, present, future post "day of the Lord" Christ? We are called to press toward the mark of the high calling into heavenly places above, seated with Christ at the right hand of God.

"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God." (Colossians 3:1 AV)

God is looking for a manifestation of Christ today, a heavenly descending bringing in the New Jerusalem, not a helicopter evacuation escaping tribulation. The biblical pattern is God taking his people through tribulation, preserving them in and through affliction as with Noah, the Hebrew children in the furnace and the Israelites through the wilderness. The 'beam me up Scottie' balloon cult creates egotistical, bourgeoisie escapists who want to live on a planet while the rest of the world gets its come-uppance. We are called to be 'caught up within the glory cloud' ones, preserved in sanctuary, living with the Lord Jesus Christ in the secret place and later on caught up without.

"And he …… shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God," (Revelation 21:10 AV)

"Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, ……" (Revelation 1:7 AV)

We get there by connecting with Paul plus Israel, becoming new creation spiritual Israelites.

"…... For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: … but the children of the promise are counted for the seed." (Romans 9:6-8 AV)

Don't go for the fool's gold, splitting the bible in two, but instead go for the all-inclusive oneness, seeking after the true riches being gold, silver and precious stones and the bejewelled, celestial city.

"Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones ……" (1 Corinthians 3:12 AV)

"And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones.…." (Revelation 21:19 AV)

We are called to be spiritual Israel, the sealed overcomers, king priests, elder overcomers, angel messengers, God's temple incorporating all temples. God's full purpose consummates in the New Jerusalem.

"And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it." (Revelation 21:22 AV)

We get there by taking three steps, the ABCs, into the age to come:
a) Identifying with the historical Christ;
b) the post-resurrectional Christ and
c) the post "day of the Lord" Christ;
stepping into the kingdom age, the cubed city through the seventh and eighth windows. From Passover to Pentecost to Tabernacles. Paul preaches "times past", "but now" and "ages to come".

"And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come," (Hebrews 6:5 AV)

"That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace ….." (Ephesians 2:7 AV)

We get there by being most holy place believers, understanding the tabernacle structure: outer court, inner court and most holy place, consummating in the New Jerusalem. Most believers today are worshipping in the outer court. True worship is shut down by leaders usurping Christ's position. While the apostles and prophets do not function, the church will never come to maturity.

We get there by recognising the priesthood of believers functioning, realising that the priesthood comes before the kingship - reigning with Christ followed by the prophethood - being God's spokespersons who respond to the voice from the throne.

"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, …..:" (1 Peter 2:9 AV)

We get there by recognising headship believers and releasing the fivefold ministry within the body of Christ. Each believer is connected with the head, the Lord Jesus, and is called to be an apostle, prophet, teacher, pastor or evangelist.

"He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens ….) And he gave some, …." (Ephesians 4:10-11 AV)

Paul is the apostle to the Gentiles and a distributor of God's economy, 'oikonomia'; a manager of God's household law; a steward of God's grace; a minister according to the divine office of making the word of God and the mystery of Christ fully known. We as believers are called to be ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.

"For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:" (Ephesians 3:1-2 AV)

We get there by being stewards of God's economy, dispensers of God's grace. We recognise the mystery Jew/Gentile body reconciled with God and the universal body of Christ, being made ministers by a God-delegated anointing or authority putting us on an equal playing field with Christ who is first amongst equals. We experience the riches of Christ, God's treasure house, the fellowship of the mystery. By faith we see the angelic realm observing the body of Christ unfolding. The Father is glorified in the church throughout all the ages or aeons (Messianic, future or light force), manifesting in ambassadors of light functioning in the kingdom age.

"And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery….." (Ephesians 3:9 AV)

"Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." (Ephesians 3:21 AV)

We get there by identifying the "but now" far above body and "ages to come" window. We are progressive dispensationalists when we identify with Christ in the heavenlies within the above "but now" window. We access all the covenants including the Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, the Melchizedekian priesthood and the kingdom age.

"Far above …. every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:" (Ephesians 1:21 AV)

The antichrist, the beast system, the tribulation, the resurrection and the coming of Christ are all experienced as past, present and future, within spiritually now, and later on, without. The coming of Christ is seen as 'Christ has come', 'Christ is coming' and 'Christ will come again'.

We get there by ascending and descending with the Lord. Breathe in ascending, being caught up within the glory cloud. Breathe out descending, calling out "Arise!"; identifying with the seventh Shekinah angel.

Breathe in visualising your spirit as a lightning rod being in radiant white light, seeing the dove star's arising.

"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:" (1 Thessalonians 4:16 AV)

"The sun and moon stood still in their habitation: at the light of thine arrows they went, and at the shining of thy glittering spear." (Habakkuk 3:11 AV)

Both Paul and John testify to Christ coming after the seventh trump, which is followed by the dead in Christ rising, the mystery caught up body appearing, the marriage supper of the Lamb and the bema seat judgment.

"…. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud …." (Revelation 11:12 AV)

"And the seventh angel sounded ..." (Revelation 11:15 AV)

"…. the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints….." (Revelation 11:18 AV)

Our ABCs into God's eternal purpose are defined as: Admit you're a sinner; believe Christ died for you and receive the Lord Jesus. We step into the kingdom age by going through the stages of "times past" - a sinner; "but now" - what we are in Christ; "ages to come" experiencing kingdom dominion. Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. John's revelation dovetails with Paul's revelation. Amen. Come Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20; 1 Corinthians 16:22)

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Firstfruits overcomers; kingdom age believers; glorified latter reign saints. by Jack Gielen, Church of Zion. Phone 027 6780867

1. Belief in the co-death and co-resurrection with Christ. Identified with him in his death, burial, resurrection and ascension. Co-glorification and God-likeness. Many talk about the cross without knowing what it means to be crucified with him.

"Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, ...." (Rom 6:6 AV)

2. We are called to be manifest sons, caught up within ones ascending into the deofold; We are becoming transformed god-men. The male child group is a corporate expression of God himself, reigning in Christ; heralding in the incoming Christ. The Pauline and Messianic lines blend together to become the Lightwoman with the stars in her crown typifying the bridegroom and bride, the twelve sons of Jacob and the twelve apostles expressing themselves as new creation spiritual Israelite daystar apostles and prophets. The twenty four elders are comprised of twelve Jewish and twelve Gentile redeemed elect.

"And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne." (Rev 12:5 AV)

"And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God," (Rev 11:16 AV)

3. Recognising headship believers in union with our Lord Jesus Christ. We need to release the fivefold ministry, consummating in the manifest sons of God. The Church has become a headless corpse going through the motions with little purpose or direction. Christ is the head of his body; a living organism with eyes, ears, heart and mouth having direct access to God through the head, motivated and empowered by Christ's Spirit.

"He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)" (Eph 4:10 AV)

"And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence." (Col 1:18 AV)

4. We are called to be new creation, spiritual Israelites. This includes becoming king-priests, overcomers accessing the sevenfold, intensified Spirit, giving us victory over the beast system. Angel messengers who are Levitical Zadokites wearing the Urim and Thummim linking up the tribes with the apostles of the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ who personifies all the tribes and apostles. In Rev 7:4, Christ as the sealing agent seals the overcomers out of all the tribes, including the eleventh and twelfth tribes, Joseph and Benjamin. The twelfth foundational stone in the New Jerusalem is the amethyst-Benjamin-Pauline-Celestial Man stone, linking the Pauline and Messianic lines together.

"… till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads." (Rev 7:3 AV)

"…. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand." (Rev 7:8 AV)

"… the twelfth, an amethyst." (Rev 21:20 AV)

5. We all need to function as king-priests within the body of Christ today. We are called to minister to God who deposits his glory and Spirit into our hearts, motivating us to minister and serve others. The priesthood comes before the kingship and the prophethood. We function as holy priests and then royal priests reigning in him before we speak out on behalf of God and prophesy.

"And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen." (Rev 1:6 AV)

"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; …." (1 Pet 2:9 AV)

6. Being firstfruits overcomers attaining to the out-resurrection, encountering the face of Him upon the throne, now and later (Rev 6:16; 20:11).

There are four resurrections revealed in 1 Cor 15:20-23 not including Christ's prototype resurrection v. 20-22, "and become the firstfruits". We have been, are being and will be made conformable to the resurrection body of Christ which is 'exanastasis', an outstanding resurrection (Heb 11:35; Php 3:10; Rev 14:4).

The first group are firstfruits overcomers inhabiting glorified bodies (1 Cor 15:38) typified by the firstfruits ingathering of the wheat harvest celebrated as Pentecost. Included in this group are the righteous grape wine group experiencing cohabitating glory in tabernacles (Rev 14:14). The overcomers oversee earthly people, graduating them from earthly to celestial realms. This is a spiritual resurrection of those attaining to the white star, each star differing in glory within the spectrum. This is a partial caught-up resurrection including the sixth church, the Philadelphians, who are overcomers, sonized Judahites, Branch Davidians and Melchisedekian king-priests (Rev 3:7,12). These receive a crown for holding fast, bringing down the New Jerusalem. There is a deeper co-death identification and a deeper rest as revealed in Rev 14:13; Col 3:3.

The second group are the main ingathering of the grain harvest at the end of the tribulation signified by the word 'afterward' in 1 Cor 15:23, those who are Christ's at his coming (Joel 3:12-13; Rev 15:2). These are grain and grape harvest kingdom grace and glory believers. These are overcomers purified by fire, trained for the Armageddon battle (Joel 3:9,11; Rev 16:14-15) and non-overcomers, professing hypocrites, who will be disciplined and brought up to standard during the millennium (Matt 24:51).

The third group are gleanings around the edge of the harvest, the white throne judgement on the last day (Rev 20:5, 11). These include those who haven't had the opportunity to receive the Lord. Also included are sheep, goat and purified humanity nations and those who live to 100 years (Isa 65:17,25; Matt 25:31; Rev 14:14).

The fourth group are the husks and chaff, the wicked sent to the lake of fire referred to as "then comes the end" (1 Cor 15:24, 26). Die once live forever. Die twice go to a lost eternity.

7. The glorified saints as angel messengers as revealed in the book of Revelation.
a) THEOPHANIES: The angel presence of Christ is clearly evidenced in scripture by the angel of the covenant found in Gen 48:16, Ex 23:20 and Zech 12:8. This is also revealed as the theophany of Christ found in Rev 1:1
b) ANGEL SPIRIT STARS: The ambassador angel spirit stars are angel messengers to the seven churches found in Rev 1:20. The word for angel is 'aggelos' meaning 'messenger'. Sometimes 'malak' is used meaning 'ambassador, priest, pastor, teacher, deputy'.
c) ANOTHER ANGEL AS THE "I AM COMING SOON" CHRIST: This is mentioned seven times in the book of Revelation and can refer to a collective body, the glorified corporate Son. The seven times "another angel" is mentioned are Revelation 7:2; 8:3; 10:1; 14:6; 14:15; 14:18; 18:1.
d) THE SEVENTH SHEKINAH ANGEL AS THE APOSTLE/PROPHET MESSENGER: This male child group is called to reveal the mystery. Rev 10:7.
e) THE ANGEL OF THE COVENANT: In Revelation 12:7 Michael and his angels fight against Satan. Michael is said to be an only begotten son, chief of the armies of heaven representing Christ.
f) SEVEN ANGEL MESSENGERS: These are temple testimony angels representing glorified saints as Levitical Zadokites wearing the Urim and Thummim (Revelation 15:7).
g) THE ANGEL OF CHRIST'S PRESENCE: This found in the believer, the testimony of Jesus being the spirit of prophecy with the angel declaring "I am a fellow servant with you and your brethren" (Rev 19:10). The word for testimony, 'maturion', means 'sacred temple'. The spirit of prophecy operates from the most holy place. The angel is an equal, a brother and servant with the prophets. This is Christ's presence with us as the seventh Shekinah angel. This angel also shows John the city (Revelation 21:9).
h) ANGEL PRINCES: There are, on the New Jerusalem wall, twelve gates, angels, sons of Israel and foundational apostles. We are assimilated into the pearl gates through faith in the co-death and co-resurrection with Christ and all the angels typify us as saints in resurrectional transfiguration, blending in with the spiritual Israelites and apostles, making us angel princes and daystar apostles.

8. To qualify for the New Jerusalem third level, attaining to the first resurrection. Your name must be written in the Lamb's book of life including being born again, born again, a first born of the first born Son, being conformed to the resurrection body of our Lord Jesus Christ, knowing spiritual resurrection.

"….. but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life." (Rev 21:27 AV)

"And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood ….;" (Rev 5:9 AV)

How do we enter into kingdom dominion, the heavenly realities, becoming the overcomers, angel messengers, apostles of the Lamb, knowing the past, present, future resurrected Christ? When the rapturists say "the book of Revelation is not for us" it becomes irrelevant to life as it is now. We have to deconstruct to reconstruct, looking at all four views - historical and current premillennialism, the amillennial and post millennial views. We apply the all-inclusive view, the Pauline and Messianic lines together; symbolic and literal interpretation of the book of Revelation.

9. God is looking for a heavenly descending today. God wants us to bring down the spiritual New Jerusalem which already exists as a pre-Edenic Paradise. We are to be caught up ones preserved in sanctuary as hidden ones. We are also most holy place believers hiding within the tabernacle of David which extends throughout scripture, lining up with the root in the offspring of David; the olive tree and the lamp; the bright and morning star; making us Branch Davidians, new creation Judahite-Jude Thaddeus angel princes.

"I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Selah." (Ps 61:4 AV)

"…. he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;" (Rev 3:7 AV)

"And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." (Rev 21:2 AV)

We are called to abide in the tabernacle structure, mirroring heavenly realities, the outer and inner court and most holy place. The tabernacle of Moses, David, Solomon, the spiritual temple in union with Christ and the spiritual New Jerusalem temple are all expressed in the post "day of the Lord" Christ, identifying with the resurrection glory body of our Lord Jesus Christ attainable through the "but now" far above window of Eph 1:20. We are called to be miniature Jerusalems, fully constituted with Christ; a consummation of the holy of holies incorporating all types and symbols.

Our ABCs into God's eternal purpose are defined as: We step into the kingdom age by going through the stages of "times past" - a sinner; "but now" - what we are in Christ; "ages to come" experiencing kingdom dominion. Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. Amen. Come Lord Jesus. (Rev 22:20; 1 Cor 16:22)

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Newsletter to pastors, leaders and believers of all the churches of New Zealand.
We as the School of Apostles and Prophets believe that the way the church is being run today is not according to the word of God. There are truths which need to be recovered if the church is to know her true destiny, purpose and real freedom from the clutches of Satan. 2011 will be a year of testing where false foundations will be shaken and only what is of God will remain. Religious and political Babylon is being exposed and the functions of the apostle and prophet restored.

1. Paul is the apostle of the Gentiles and the spokesperson for the risen, ascended and glorified Lord Jesus Christ today. We stand in the Christ that Paul preached, going back to the past and forward to the future - the Christ that is all-inclusive. The Gentile saints are fellowheirs with the Jewish saints, of the same body, and this is a joint partnership with the head of the body, the Lord Jesus Christ.

"For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office:" (Romans 11:13 AV)

"That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel:" (Ephesians 3:6 AV)

2. God has done it all. We trust in the finished work at Calvary, yielding to God's sovereignty while experiencing post-resurrectional, throne room prayer - which is God becoming our prayer partner, doing the work in and through us. New Christians get indoctrinated with the words of Jesus to Israel in the four gospel accounts. They become performance based - depending on "what would Jesus do?" and ignoring Paul's epistles - God's love letters to us defining doctrine and behaviour, resulting in the "obedience of faith". This failure in relating to the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ in his current heavenly ministry (who has taken our humanity into his divinity), leads to confusion, a works-based gospel, backsliding and a man-centred, pre-cross focus.

"By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name:" (Romans 1:5 AV)

3. The spiritual Christ and New Creation living. We should all believe in the spiritual Christ, not the Christ after the flesh. According to Paul's teaching we are justified, reconciled, made righteous, restored, forgiven and sealed through the heavenly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.

"Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:16-17 AV)

We are united to the spiritual Christ as "the last Adam - the life quickening Spirit". It is Christ's resurrection from the dead that "turned the world upside down" and it is the risen Christ who accomplishes all of God's purpose through us.

4. The Foundation of Apostles and Prophets. The church is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ as the chief cornerstone of the spiritual temple. The apostles and prophets, Paul and the twelve, Old and New Testament prophets and also future apostles and prophets. These are the living stones within the foundation and are the masterbuilders and architects with the blueprint, being like overseers, father-mentors and coaches, role-modelling the person of Christ.

They see the Lord; hear the voice from the throne. They know the past-present-future Christ, being true representations of Christ. They help believers to unite with the Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the whole structure is joined together, growing into a holy temple in the Lord. God is restoring the spiritual temple today as revealed in Acts 7:48 "God dwells not in temples made with hands". The temple grows as the apostles and prophets lay the foundation blocks in place and function as the shoulders, depending on the head. They get the directions from the head, the Lord Jesus Christ and become oracles for the rest of the body. The apostle combines the other four ministries - prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. Ultimately Christ is the apostle and he embodies all the ministries and gifts.

"And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;" (Ephesians 2:20 AV)

"And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues." (1 Corinthians 12:28 AV)

5. Direct access to the Father. Through the Lord Jesus Christ, believers have direct access to the Father by the Spirit. Christ is the only mediator and there are no other intermediaries required. Leaders shouldn't come between a person and God but should direct believers straight to the Lord.

"For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father." (Ephesians 2:18 AV)

6. The Father heart of God. The Father heart of God should be modelled properly by mentors. John the apostle says "I write to you fathers because you know him who is from the beginning". Leaders need to emphasise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, as revealed in Paul's epistles.

"For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named," (Ephesians 3:14-15 AV)

7. The holy and royal priesthood. Leaders need to allow believers to function in their priestly roles in the most holy place where believers experience the glory of the Father's manifest presence, while being oracles, hearing God's voice and outwardly making God's purposes known. There is too much power and control shutting down the person, presence and power of Christ today. We are imitating leaders while not developing a one-on-one relationship with the King of kings while operating as king-priests.

We have fallen prey to impostors, Judaisers, performance-orientated tricksters and pseudo ministers.

"Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 2:5 AV)

"That I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost." (Romans 15:16 AV)

8. Ascending with the Lord, operating in the fivefold ministry. A dictatorship and misuse of power exists in the church with pastors and leaders not allowing the fivefold ministry of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher to operate. The church has become like a headless corpse, resulting in believers not connecting with their head, the Lord Jesus - manifesting his life to the body. The church and home groups functioning under leaders, generally shut down the life flow. We all need to develop our respective callings, growing up into the head with every joint supplying. Gifts, graces and ministries flow out of the person of Christ; the measure of the gift of Christ (Ephesians 4:7); one body in Christ (Romans 12:5); the gift of God glorifying God through Jesus Christ (1 Peter 4:10-11).

"But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ." (Ephesians 4:7 AV)

"He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;" (Ephesians 4:10-11 AV)

Leaders erect barriers before believers who seek the truth. They finish corporate worship when the Holy Spirit arrives. They are not interested in the believer-priest pressing into the most holy place. The pastors have monopolised the body and are not interested in developing other ministries or the growth of believers unto full maturity.

"That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;" (Ephesians 4:14 AV)

9. The body of Christ is a spiritual organism united with the head. The body of Christ is being held to ransom by pastors and leaders who are stopping believers developing their callings and who should be establishing believers in Christ, where they become the body of Christ, his flesh and bones, the temple of his Spirit.

"And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all." (Ephesians 1:22-23 AV)

The leaders stand in the doorway, shutting down the presence of God, instead of helping others develop a full-on relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

"But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in." (Matthew 23:13 AV)

10. Preaching the Lord Jesus Christ as the fulness of deity. There is a politically correct, surface based Jesus - another Jesus of religious, political Babylon who becomes the lollipop god encouraging signs and blunders, god's man of paste and flour, a health, wealth cargo cult obsessing over gifts with no fruit or true discipleship; chasing a counterfeit, kundalini spirit, producing a pseudo faith, reliance on a pre-cross earthly Jesus with no depth. Talk to the hand and the foot because the face can't see you. The church is not accessing the universal new man in Christ, developing the new creation spirit man. Believers are not seeking the Lord, beholding his face and glory. There is no full surrender to the sovereignty of God - the God has done it perspective, taking the believer from pre-cross to post-resurrection to post-ascension coming of the Lord understanding.

"For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him." (2 Corinthians 11:4 AV)

"I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:" (Galatians 1:6 AV)

11. Harbingers of the kingdom age - conduits to the future. The church is stuck in an old-fashioned paradigm and hasn't moved on from Passover to Pentecost to Tabernacles; beholding the face of the Lord; being a miniature Jerusalem, an embassy of heaven experiencing the apocalypse of the heart - the kingdom age. In this era God is shaking everything and only that which is built on the apostle's doctrine will stand. The apostle heralds in the incoming Christ and is a harbinger of the new day. The apostles of the Lamb have one foot in the New Jerusalem - the kingdom age, and one foot in the now. They bring in the reign of Christ and manifest the omega point consciousness - they are in transition between two times.

"And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." (Revelation 21:14 AV)

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." (Revelation 22:13 AV)

12. Real transformation and empowerment. Today's false gospel agenda doesn't cut it any more. There is no empowering or transformation and we exclude misfits, ruffians and many others for whom Christ died. People are stuck in black holes, traumatised, suicidal and without hope, and our current "you can do it" false agenda doesn't provide crisis evangelism where and when it is needed. Teaching others to pull themselves up by their shoestrings; naming it and claiming it; sucking up to the secular society image, have only shipwrecked people's faith. It is faith in the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Christ, a full trust in the person of the Lord Jesus, knowing Christ Jesus as Lord, quickened together with Christ which gives us the ability to overcome and empowers us to live victorious lives in Christ. Only the apostle has the blueprint and the mandate for bringing people out of the depths of darkness and facilitating real transformation. The apostle has to establish his apostolate - his area of operation. We need a multitude of apostles to operate all over the world today, being conduits of the future, transformers, elder overcomers.

"But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore." (Isaiah 42:22 AV)

"He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them." (1 Samuel 2:8 AV)

"And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power," (Ephesians 1:19 AV)

For more information about Restoration Ministries and the School of the Apostles and Prophets contact Jack Gielen at Reigning in Grace Ministries. Phone: (07) 8592939. Email: nzspt@clear.net.nz.

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Practising and proclaiming the priesthood
The Church today is full of compromise with a mixture of secular humanism and self-interest, focusing on a politically correct Messiah, being religiously systematic. The solution lies with the priesthood, kingship and prophethood.
1) By practising the priesthood we build up the body of Christ, opening up fully to the Lord Jesus in full surrender. We allow him to mingle himself with us as the processed, triune God, hearing his voice, co-interceding with Christ, functioning as anointed, king-priest Melchizedekians. Our call and ministry is to be worshippers, prayer warriors and witnesses1.
2) We are called to be prophet-priest-kings of El Elyon the Most High, he who dwells within the Shekinah glory cloud, representing the father-heart of God. We are priests of Sedec, kings of light and truth as were Enoch, Moses2, Elijah and David.
3) The Levitical ZADOKite holy priesthood connects us with God and Melchi-ZEDEK. The Melchizedekian priesthood connects heaven with earth, the Lord working through us reflecting his image and likeness3. We are to call forth the Melchizedekian king-priests to arise, ministering inwardly and outwardly - first to God, then to his body and then to social spheres, expressing kingly authority. We are also king-priest shepherds.
4) The priesthood moulds us into God's image, uniting us with our heavenly Melchisedec, making us image-bearers to one another and the Church and those created in Adam's image4. This calling requires fully consecrated, remoulded surrender to our heavenly Melchizedekian king-priest, our Lord Jesus Christ, reflecting his likeness and image5.
5) As priests and kings of El Elyon, identifying with our position in Christ and our heavenly Melchizedek, we are made priests and are priests in the making. We deepen into Christ through praise, worship and communion in the Spirit, beholding God's Shekinah glory; becoming anointed for ministry as God's spokespersons and prophets - most holy place believers. By reading the word, meditating on Christ in full surrender; reaching inwardly, upwardly, accessing the person, power and presence of Christ, we become reflectors of his glory outwardly. We are called to be image bearers of our heavenly Melchizedek as priests of Sedec, blessing individuals around us who have the potential of becoming sons and daughters of God.

1 Ex 40:15; Num 25:13; 1 Pet 2:9; Rev 1:6
2 Acts 7:38; Ps 80:1
3 Heb 7:15; Num 25:13; Jer 33:22; Ezek 44:15; 48:11 & 22; Rev 7:7; 11:16, 15:6
4 Gen 1:27; 5:3; 14:17
5 Ps 82:6; Rom 8:29; 12:1; 1 Cor 6:19; Col 3:10; 2 Cor 3:18; Ex 34:6; Heb 13:20

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Daystar Apostleship - God's Eternal Rainbow
1. God's eternal rainbow, the Uenuku rainbow korawai and the golden city is a multi-coloured garment of light worn as a mantle by believers who are living stones and spiritual Israelites representing the twelve tribes; identified with the twelve-coloured gemstones within city light and sound crystallisation. They are shining stars and primary and secondary coloured gemstones within the person of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the bright and morning star wearing the Urim and Thummim; incorporating all the tribes and all the apostles. Maori, non-Maori and all races universally go to the fourth level abiding in the cross, the pearly gates, death and life oyster secreted juices, ascending into the twelve-sided New Jerusalem diamond (Revelation 21:10-11). They go from Jesus as Messiah abiding in the wounded side of Christ to the post-resurrectional Christ experienced as the life-quickening spirit and person of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:45) to becoming ascensionists (Ephesians 4:10; Revelation 11:11) to the fourth level entering resurrectional transfiguration, progressively being conformed to the resurrection body of Christ (Colossians 1:21). We have been, are being and will be quickened with the "surely I come quickly" Christ. At the fourth level we become the Ben Joseph, Ben Judah coalition; omega-transition saints; Davidic godmen ruling; the Judahite quorum; Elohistic governors; ecclesiastical sovereigns and Jubilee constitutional marshals; luminaries and Melchisedekian King Priests promoting the Joseph company mantle with seven mountains. They promote Christ over economy, business, media, arts, family, religion and government.

2. The Angel of the Covenant, the Lord of Hosts. Revelation 22:16 identifies with the Angel of the Covenant, the presence of the resurrected Christ, the "I am" as the root and the offspring of David, the preincarnate Christ, olive tree and lamp; Ben Joseph, Ben Judah as beams of starlight on the glory body of our Lord Jesus Christ. The bright and morning star, Christ, is the Lord of Adonai, Yahweh, Tsabaoth, hosts or armies, ruler of the universe. The hosts consist of archangels, angels, caught up saints in light on both sides of the veil, God's armies and realised eschatology. Treasured, zeal and affection describes the attitude of the warriors of light (Genesis 32:1; Psalms 24:10; Hebrews 12:22). In Genesis 48:16 Jacob beseeches the Angel of the Covenant who has redeemed him from all evil to keep the two sons Ephraim and Manasseh. In Isaiah 63:6 the Angel of the Covenant redeems, bears and carries the children of Israel as a kaitiaki guardian and shekinah glory angel. I refer to the seven levels of 'Touched by an Angel' where we become caregivers journeying on and supervisory angels, angel messengers, angel princes, golden cherubs and deofold dovestars as godmen and god women. The patriarchal fatherly blessing by Jacob to his sons was actuated through Ruach Ha Kodesh the Holy Spirit; Adonai El Shadai. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob blesses Ephraim whose name means "God has made me fruitful in the land of affliction" and Manasseh means "the Lord has made me forgetful". Walking with God we find his hand shall be my throne and my rod (Hebrews 11:21). Jacob's hands leaning on the staff used for correction, writing, ruling, guiding, identifying the clan or tribe. The word 'misheneth' stands for staff support, sustenance and protection; often referred to as a talking stick.

3. Joseph, Benjamin and the coat of many colours. The coat of many colours becomes our prototype and model as revealed in Genesis 37:3-9, the story of Joseph going into slavery, being tested by God; eventually reigning over Egypt. The sheaves and sun, moon and stars were to bow down before him, making his brothers jealous. The sun, moon and stars typify the spirit-soul syzergy and creative imagination; the bridegroom and bride relationship with our heavenly Joseph. We become multi-coloured manifest sons experiencing the spirit-soul union within a solar, lunar, radiant white disk where the light of the moon becomes as the light of the sun; a sevenfold intensified radiance resonating with a low and high frequency trumpet and flute sound (Isaiah 30:27-29). His throne as the sun typifies Judah as the sun/Son and Joseph as the moon with God as the faithful witness to all the tribes united as one (Psalms 89:36). This is the natural, spiritual millennial sabbath entering tabernacles and the Golden Jubilee era bringing in freedom, justice and equality. In tabernacles we see God and hear his voice; the heavenly descending and recreated new heavens and earth are experienced as a spiritual reality that we enter into now (Isaiah 66:20). In Genesis 30:23 and 35:18 Rachel, whose name means 'traveller', has two sons: Joseph whose name means 'God has taken away our reproach' and "God has added'. When dying she gives birth to Benjamin exclaiming 'the son of my sorrow'. Jacob interjects saying 'he shall be called son of my right hand'. Rachel speaks of the church age of grace; Benjamin represents the kingdom age of rest sharing the authority of the throne (Rev 3:12). The church treats Benjamin like he's the son of their sorrow as he is a firstfruits resurrection believer; caught up to the throne; claiming the full inheritance by the Spirit. Leah and the ten tribes signify the law. In Genesis 49:23-24 there is a prophecy concerning Joseph. The archers have sorely grieved him, shot at him and hated him but his bow abode in strength, by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob, the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel. Hosea 1:5 and 1:10-11 prophesies the unification of the tribes under the Lord Jesus Christ as head of the star and sand people.

4. Practise trusting in God almighty, El Raah, Adonai, El Shaddai, the Shepherd and Rock of Israel. Practise placing your hands on your stomach, solarising from within, repeating the words El Raah, the Rock of Is-Ra-El. 'Is' the feminine form, the Shekinah; 'Ra' the masculine form with 'El' - God almighty. God tested Joseph, putting him in chains and bringing him out into rulership. We too have all been severely tested as part of the Joseph company (Psalms 105:22). In Joseph's prophecy his progeny spreads to many nations and his branches are said to run over the wall, implying the recovery of the lost tribes of Israel (Isaiah 11:11).

5. The Rock and Shepherd of Israel and the Joseph company. In Psalms 80 the psalmist begins by asking El Raah, the Shepherd of Israel to guide the flock of Joseph. The psalmist beseeches El Raah, the Shepherd of Israel to shine forth from between the cherubim before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh. Practise visualising the Shekinah glory cloud upon the mercy seat becoming Bene Elohim, God-like sons and daughters as luminous golden cherubs and dovestars, putting on your halo and angel wings. Psalms 80:3 says "Restore us to thyself, let thy face shine upon us oh Lord of hosts", which applies to Benjamin, the son of Rachel and the southern kingdom aligned with Judah. In verse 14 and 17 the psalmist appeals to the husbandman to return to the vine and to the Messianic Son of Man, Son of my right hand. Psalms 80:18 "Quicken us and we will call on thy name". In Philippians 3:5-8 and Romans 11:1-5, Paul the apostle of the Gentiles is a Benjamite, identified with Christ in his death, burial, resurrection and ascension, emphasising being quickened together with Christ (Ephesians 2:4; Colossians 2:12). Paul plus Israel aligns us with Ben Joseph, Ben Judah, the suffering servant King and the cornerstone, living stones and city of stones (1 Corinthians 10:33; Galatians 6:16; Romans 2:28; 1 Peter 2:5-6; Rev 21:11; 18-20).

6. The Benjamin remnant company. Benjamin is coming and there will be no food until Benjamin gets here.
1. Benjamite elohists fall on their heavenly Joseph's neck. They are harbinger forerunners, going ahead of their brothers in order to preserve life (Genesis 45:7,14-15).
2. Benjamites receive the silver cup typifying being sons of God's right hand, 300 pieces of silver symbolising complete deliverance in maturity and five garments of grace, including the garment of accommodation.
3. Benjamites drink the cup the Father has for them in different measures (Genesis 45:2; Matthew 20:22).
4. Benjamites remit sin, letting God sort it out (Genesis 45:14-15; John 20:23).
5. New creation Benjamites operate in the morning of the kingdom age new day, knowing God's likeness and nature. In the evening he divides the spoil, tearing apart false doctrines (Genesis 49:27) e.g. idea of covering instead of direct access.

7. The chief cornerstone, the living stones and the city of stones. We move from Passover to Pentecost to Tabernacles. In Isaiah 54:6,11 there is a reference to the church married to Christ and to rubies, sapphires and sparkling jewels, lining up with Revelation 7:4-9 where Ephraim, Manasseh, Benjamin and Reuben are spoken of as tribes and particular gemstones, referred to in Revelation 21:19-20. There are four scriptures identifying the likeness and nature of God in the NT - Ephesians 4:23, 2 Timothy 3:16, 1 Peter 4:6 and 2 Peter 1:4. There are also four scriptures identifying the New Jerusalem (NJ) now - Matthew 5:35, Galatians 4:26, Hebrews 12:22, Revelation 3:12.

8. Practising the heavenly descending and recreated new heavens and earth spiritual experience. We step into the NJ diamond which is a photonic quantum light beam or blended corporate entity. Facing north, identify with the Pleiades-Orion belt and Matariki with the triangular star configuration of Sirius, Betelgeuse and Procon - the Maori star temple. In Job 38:30 the waters are hid with a stone and the face of the deep is frozen, referring to the waters above the heavens and the celestial diamond stone of Zion. In verse 31 it states "can you loose the bands of the Orion?", the invisible photon-like strings linking the Orion with the earth; depicting a quantum electrical universe.
1. Now practise standing on your toes, bringing your arms around, simulating levitation. Stop with arms outstretched in the shape of the cross, identifying with pearl oyster, death and life secretions, stepping into the full circle glory diamond (Rev 20:9; 21:10-11).
2. Walk around in a circle simulating gold streets.
3. Simulate kneeling before the throne (Rev 22:1),
4. Lifting your arms up with fingers outstretched, feeding on the tree of life (Rev 22:2),
5. Swimming in the water of the river of life (Rev 21:6). We are ascending into the glory diamond and descending to the earth (1 Cor 6:2; Rev 5:10).

9. Ezekiel's chariot throne, rainbow glory cloud and the amber gold city. Within Ezekiel's chariot throne vision there is a firmament with a sapphire stone as a throne with the Son of Man sitting upon it. Upwards and downwards from his loins there is the colour of fiery amber. The bright cloud has the appearance of a rainbow. Ezekiel as a priest sees the glory cloud and falls on his face. There are six rainbows in scripture: 1. Noah's rainbow (Genesis 9:13). 2. Joseph's coat of many colours (Genesis 37,3). 3. Many-coloured robes of the bride (Psalms 45:13). 4. Ezekiel's rainbow glory cloud (Ezekiel 1:28). 5. Another rainbow angel (Rev 10:1). 6. The rainbow coloured gemstones of the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:19-20).

10. Practise clear sky throne seeing and living creature rituals.
1. Lift up your hands and see God in his sanctuary upon his throne (Psalms 63:2), way up high within the blue sky, realising the heaven is his throne and the earth is his footstool (Isaiah 66:1-2; Exodus 24:10). Now imagine the quantum string theory and an electrical universe and begin to dance as if you had de-materialised into your photon-like body, flowing in and out of everything made of pure energy (dance all around the world).
2. Living creature ritual: Stand upright, close your eyes; visualise the blue light within. Imagine the four sides of your head being the living creatures - right, left, rear, front. The lion-eagle-man-ox as courageous visionary compassionate service, verbalising Michael (right), Gabriel (left), Uriel (rear), Raphael (front). You become a living creature, spiritualised, redeemed humanity. Lift your arms straight up then down to your feet and behind you repeating "adoring, obedient, service, communion, conviction, commission". Twirl your arms around imagining lightning flashes as God's providential answers to prayer. looking at the 12 points of the faceclock.

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B.L.E.J. LEVITICAL ZADOKITES -MELCHISEDEK & MAN IN LINEN The Benjamin remnant company. Benjamin is coming and there will be no food until Benjamin gets here (B.L.E.J.= Benjamin,Levi,Ephraim,Judah).
1. Benjamite elohists fall on their heavenly Joseph's neck. They are harbinger forerunners, going ahead of their brothers in order to preserve life (Genesis 45:7,14-15).
2. Benjamites receive the silver cup typifying being sons of God's right hand, 300 pieces of silver symbolising complete deliverance in maturity and five garments of grace, including the garment of accommodation.
3. Benjamites drink the cup the Father has for them in different measures (Gen 45:2; Mat 20:22).
4. Benjamites remit sin, letting God sort it out (Genesis 45:14-15; John 20:23).
5. New creation Benjamites operate in the kingdom age new day, knowing God's likeness and nature. In the evening he divides the spoil, tearing apart false doctrines (Genesis 49:27) e.g. idea of covering instead of direct access.
6. Benjamin Remnant Company believers are king priests, living stones and shining stars within Zion. They are related to the Levitical Nazarite priesthood through the daughters of Shiloh (Judges 21:21) and the princely community of Ezekiel 48:22, the four house restoration: Benjamin, Levi, Ephraim and Judah. The Shiloh bloodline connects with Mary Magdalene, the first one to see the risen Lord; a type of the Lightwoman of Revelation 12:5. Practice breathing out, into solar man and in, into the child. Stand on your toes bringing your arms around forming a circle, blinking nine times with the faceclock, caught up to the throne; ruling with the lightning rod anointing.
7. Purple amethyst quickened Benjamites with shining faces beholding the Shekinah glory cloud upon the mercy seat between the cherubim (Psalms 80:2-3), becoming Nabi prophet seers experiencing the testimony of Jesus (Rev 19:10; 22:6,9).
8. Benjamin Elohists have as their symbol the wolf who lays down with the lamb, demonstrating a self-sacrificial lamb-like spirit (Isaiah 11:6); a little child shall lead them. The bride wonder child is married to Christ; the Lamb-Lion-Shepherd-King of Revelation 5:5-6. In the recreated new heavens and new earth found in Isaiah 65:17,25, Benjamin the wolf lays down with the Lamb. The Lion Judah eats with the Ox, Joseph and the wise serpent, the prophet Dan, proves to be harmless. Judah is lifted up as an ensign riding upon the shoulders of the Philistines while God recovers his remnant from the four corners of the earth (Isaiah 11:10). In verse 15 God shakes his hand over the river Euphrates, smiting it into seven streams symbolising the sevenfold Spirit and radiant influence. The two brides as the light and dark woman and the divine and monster menorah - Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, spiritual Babylon, Assyria and Egypt.
9. The Benjamin company is associated with the four house restoration of Benjamin, Levi, Joseph and Judah. Levi and Judah are united on the north side of Mount Zion in the far north of the city of the great King (Psalms 48:2) and Joseph, Benjamin and Dan are on the east side of Ezekiel's temple, having their fulfilment in the person of Ben Joseph, Ben Judah, the Lord Jesus Christ, Jehovah Shammah - the Lord is there (Ezekiel 48:35). Benjamin's dwelling place is between God's shoulder with Israel and Judah, Jew and Gentile reconciled on either side of Paul the apostle and the Lord Jesus Christ (Deut 33:12). Benjamin and Levi are united with our heavenly Melchizedek as sons of the King of Light (Psalms 110:4). They are part of the Prince with the princely community (Ezekiel 48:22). Practise A: Stop, drop, kneel and roll in glory or prostrate yourself in a cruciform position facing northeast repeating "King Jesus, King Jesus". B: Now stand up on your toes bringing your arms around and up in a circle repeating "Melchisedekians arise" WITH FULL ASSURANCE AND INNER KNOWING (Hebrews 7:14). C: Now imagine placing your hands on an immovable rod in front of you, as per Psalms 110:2 "Send out your sceptre from Zion ruling in the midst of your enemies", realigning your energy points repeating "Maranatha come Lord Jesus (1 Corinthians 16:22; Rev 22:20)" D: putting on the mantle of the Shepherd King-Priest while visualising being saints in light riding on white horses, overcoming the beast and the antichrist (Rev 19:14,19).
10. Benjamin Company Elohists are in an alliance with the tribe of Judah (1 Kings 11:36) becoming Levitical Zadokites (Ezekiel 40:46; 44:15) united with the Prince and the princely community, being part of the holy and royal priesthood (Jeremiah 33:20; Ezekiel 48:22; 1 Peter 2:9). God promised to have a son to reign upon the throne of David with Levitical priests as ministers; Davidic kings and Levitical priests as star and sand people. Paul, a Benjamite, took the Nazarite vow in Acts 21:26 reconciling Jew and Gentile in one body promoting Paul plus Israel. Practise taking the Nazarite vow exercising the priesthood, kingship and prophethood, speaking on behalf of the Lord.
11. Levitical Zadokites are united with Melchisedek as the King of Light being diamonds within the sea of glass (Rev 15:2) wearing brilliant white diamond robes with golden girdles (Rev 15:6) becoming primary and secondary gemstones, the eighth amber beryl stone within the cubed city (Rev 21:20) being aligned with new creation quickened Levites. The Man in Linen found in Ezekial 9:2 stands by the altar in the way of the north higher Benjamin gate, marking those who sigh and cry (Ezra 1:5; Jeremiah 20:2; Ezekiel 40:46; 48:22; Zechariah 14:10). These Levitical Zadokites symbolise an anointed remnant servant class of witnesses of the most high God, sealing the 144,000 (Rev 7:2-4). In Ezekiel 40:3 the Man in Brass with a linen cord and a measuring reed made up of intertwined strands typifying god-men ruling. There are also white stones with a new god-men name written into them representing overcomers who eat the hidden manna, defeating the Nicolaitans who shut down the priesthood of all believers (Psalms 106:30; 1 Chron 6:49-53; Rev 2:17). Imagine you are an elder overcomer and an angel prince in dual posterity (spiritual and natural Israel) expressing the archangel-like of Moses (Rev 15:4); beholding the Shekinah glory cloud within the most holy place upon the mercy seat between the cherubim (Num 7:89). Practise A: Stop, drop, kneel and roll in glory or prostrate yourself in the cruciform position facing north-east, synchronising the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with your breathing, calling out "King Jesus, King Jesus". B: Now stand on your toes bringing your arms around to form a circle, visualising a twelve-point faceclock. using your eyes to identify with the twelve points counting from 1 to 12. C: Imagine wearing a Urim and Thummim with bleeping lights and typewriter while placing a bejewelled crown on your head and a diadem in the centre of your head. The golden girdle worn by the temple testimony witnesses as believers who are God's wonderful seven angel messengers releasing his holy and unholy glory fire, life and death apocalyptic judgements upon mankind (Rev 15:8). D: Now imagine walking with the Man in Linen with Michael and Gabriel on either bank, walking upon the water above the antichrist system with hands raised up to heaven; coming to the end of probation (1335 days); entering the rest of Tabernacles and the stand up ex-anastasis, raised to life again resurrection (Dan 12:6,13; Philippians 3:10-11). The Man in Linen typifies the most holy place, mercy seat ministry with the cherubim on either side. The triad configuration also depicts Babylon, Greece and Rome as the antichrist shutting down the daily sacrifice, i.e. direct access to God.
12. A: Practise looking at the mirror within, wakeful, sleeping, typifying spiritual regeneration rising from the dead, shining as the brightness of the firmament (Dan 12:3; Ephesians 5:14; 1 Thess 4:14). Breathe out and down into your spirit, groaning inwardly in birth pangs; praying in tongues; bringing forth the male child (Isaiah 26:17; Romans 8:23). B: Breathing in, uniting with the DeathBurialResurrection&Ascension (DBRA) as part of the mystical body of Christ, identifying with "thy dead men shall live together with my dead body (Isaiah 26:17-19)". Every speck of dust becomes a MULTICOLOURED, LUMINOUS DEWDROP GLORY CLOUD. The Hebrew word for herb being 'orah/aura' meaning luminous lights and brightness, the earth shall cast out the dead. On the land of shades it shall fall. C: In Psalms 110:3-4 it states "by the womb of the morning the dew of thy youth shall come unto thee from the Father of lights (James 1:17) forming a Melchisedekian corporate glory cloud. D: Close your eyes as if hiding in God's chamber under the shelter of his wings repeating the word "feathers" (Psalms 57:1; Isaiah 26:30)
13. Purple, amethyst, Benjamin, Saint Paul lookalikes, look to the Lord as sons of Zion under the lightning rod anointing. They are slingshot warriors of light and golden trumpet Jubilee banner bearers shining forth like jewels on a crown (Zechariah 9:1,13,15-16). Practise looking up becoming a warrior of light. Imagine blowing a trumpet then acting as though you were lifting up a bejewelled crown unifying all.
14. Benjamin remnant company believers have Paul as their apostle, calling themselves Paulinites (Romans 11:1,13; Galatians 1:15,24). Paul is said to be a "light to the Gentiles", a co-religionist raising up the tribes of Israel, mirroring his Lord the suffering servant King (Isaiah 49:6).
15. Benjamin company believers are Philadelphians entering the kingdom age of rest sharing the authority of the throne as corporate god-men (Isaiah 66:22 "the seed of the children of Israel shall remain forever"; Rev 3:7,11-12). Practise: Stop, drop and roll in glory, lifting up arms to the Lord; becoming a pillar of light; holding fast to your crown experiencing the heavenly descending as spiritual and natural Israel angel princes and Davidic god-men ruling.
16. New creation Benjamites are spiritually married to Christ as firstfruits, resurrection, golden grain believers. They are caught up to the throne on both sides of the veil being spiritualised, redeemed humanity, living creatures and elder overcomers with golden harps and bowls full of incense, being the prayers of the saints. Harp and bowl ministers use crystal healing through light and sound Rev 14:1-5; 5:8). The word for voice is 'phone', the word for sound is 'solpizo' - a solarised vibration, wave or oscillation as a healing frequency. The string theory suggests photons vibrate at different frequencies and dimensions as octaves in the same key. The universe consists of twelve dimensions within a super hologram.
17. Benjamin Elohists are identified with the ox which becomes a cherub; the suffering servant king and glorified, corporate god-men (Ezekiel 10:14). In Ezekiel 41:19 there is a cherub with a man's face on one side and a lion on the other side. Benjamites are identified with the 4 and 7 angels message found in Rev 7:2; 10:1; 14:6,8-9,17; 18:1 & Zech 2:2. Another angel as Christ flying in the mid heavens, cries out. Worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the fountains of water." There are the heavens above referring to the New Jerusalem (Ps 148:4) and the fountains of the deep; God's judgement (Genesis 7:11). With the natural, spiritual and millennial sabbath the believer enters Tabernacles keeping the Edenline sabbath as an angel prince entering a deeper co-death with Christ (Rev 14:13). Practise being a Levitical Zadokite, an angel avatar manifesting the seven times "I am coming soon" Christ.
18. Benjamin Elohists are firstfruits resurrection believers ruling with Christ with the DBRA of Christ included in the kingdom eternal aeon age, D-day, V-day reality expressing a realised eschatology. They have been spiritually regenerated with Christ (Matthew 19:28; Luke 22:28-30; Ephesians 1:21; Hebrews 6:5; Rev 20:6-8). There are four resurrections (1 Cor 15:20-24): 1) The pattern Son. 2) Firstfruits harvest white star believers and main harvest, 'varying degrees of glory' believers experiencing the coming of Christ within and without (1 Thess 4:17). 3) Gleanings, non-overcomers experiencing cleansing fire post millennium (Joel 3:11-13). 4) Leftover husks and chaff, white throne unbelievers (Rev 20:11).
19. God's eternal rainbow linking up with the New Jerusalem gemstones. There is a spiritual and natural understanding going down six steps with a wellness plan, coming up six steps becoming uplifters, wise leaders, insightful seers, humanitarians, messengers of hope and life mentors
Colour Stone Sonship Tribe Saint Function
Blue SapphireBlue knight Reuben Michael Listener
Yellow Jacinth Ruler noble Ephraim Andrew Supporter
Black Sardonyx Angel prince Manass. James Grief fac.
Red Chalcedony Ruler noble Gad Simon Z Freedom F
Green Emerald Son of light Asher Philip Healer
Turquoise Chrysop Lightbearer Zebulun James L Trauma R
Burgundy Ruby Eloh Govnr. Judah Jude Th. Uplifter
Amber Beryl King Priest Levi John Wise Ldr.
Purple Amethyst Princes Benjamin Paul Ins.Seer
White Topaz ManifestSons Issachar Nath. Humanitarian
Silver Jasper Sh.KingPriests Simeon Peter Mess.Hope
Gold Chrysolite God-men Naphtali Thomas Supervisor

(Jack Gielen, Church of Zion 0276780867 www.reigningingrace.org)

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(Jack Gielen, Church of Zion 0276780867 www.reigningingrace.org)
I meet people who believe in the Lord but don't go to church because of Nico spirit interference (Nico = clergy laity from the NT word Nicolaitans). Covid-19 has forced humanity into moving from the church age to the kingdom age where we have direct assess with God accompanied by heavenly download revelation. The pressures of life: stress, brokenness, confusion, disparities and the God void, have forced humanity into seeking solutions, creating a major spiritual shift. A relationship with God is two-way; I look at Him and he looks at me; seeing the Lord, hearing the voice from the throne. I express concern to the leaders of a church; how numbers could fall from 50 to 10; how the gospel was a 'done' deal not just a 'do' deal; Christ needs to be proclaimed as King overall in the kingdom age. Practise ascending into the glory cloud, receiving kingdom glory and dominion (Dan 7:13).
1. There is a need for a new realignment with the Edenline natural, spiritual, millennial sabbath where we move from Passover to Pentecost and into Tabernacles where we behold the face of the Lord. 2 Chron 7:16 "My eyes and my heart will be there". We enter the Jubilee, millennial Sabbath and the New Jerusalem diamond bubble with a heavenly descending. Jer 3:17, "At that time Jerusalem shall be called the throne of the Lord". Rev 21:10 "An in the Spirit he carried me away to a high mountain and showed me the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven". 2 Baruch 5:2-3 "wrap the cloak of God's saving justice around you, put the diadem of the Eternal One's glory on your head, for God means to show your splendour to every nation under heaven." We move from a physical Sabbath, (Ex 31:12-17) to a spiritual rest (Heb 4:10) and into the millennial rest (Isa 66:22). There is a 12 hour difference between New Zealand's Friday 6pm time and Saturday morning 6am Israeli Sabbath time, making NZ Saturday 6pm the start of Israel's Sabbath day. Daniel's 70 Jubilee's time line. 30 Jubilees from BC1416 to 31AD and 40 Jubilees to 2017 (Dan 9:27)
2. Realignment with the New Jerusalem. There are many scriptures identifying the New Jerusalem as a present-tense reality. Job 38:30-33; Psa 48:1; Eze 28:13; Matt 5:35; Gal 4:26; Heb 12:22 and Rev 3:12. Heb 12:22 "You have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God". We are moving from Jesus as Messiah to the post-resurrectional Christ into ascension and the glory body diamond, the body of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem where we become manifest Godmen entering resurrectional transfiguration with a resurrection body patterned on Christ's resurrection body; the exanastasis, "a better resurrection". (Col 1:21; Php 3:10). Practise standing on your toes, bringing your arms around, simulating levitation. Stop with arms outstretched in the shape of the cross, identifying with pearl oyster, death and life secretions, stepping into the full circle glory diamond, the New Jerusalem (Rev 20:9; 21:10-11).
3. Alignment with our position in Christ, a joint partnership with our Lord Jesus Christ. We are quickened together with Christ, identified with Him in his death, burial, resurrection, ascension and enthronement. Our state changes but our position remains the same. We need to acknowledge the all-inclusive, extensive Christ who has taken our humanity into his divinity as the Godman of Godmen (Rom 1:2). He also is the 2nd Adam as the life quickening Spirit (1 Cor 15:45). According to Eph 3:6 we are now in a Jew/Gentile body. We have to be careful not to just be aware of the earthly Jesus, what Paul the apostle terms as "another Jesus or spirit" (2 Cor 11:4). We are now in the realm of the pneumatic Christ, recognising both inner and outer realities in Christ; established in Paul's gospel; bringing about obedience of faith amongst all the nations (Rom 16:27). Practise breathing in/out, calling on the Lord Jesus Christ.
4. Realignment with moving from purification to transformation and into transfiguration. We are involved in spiritual warfare with Satan who defies God, trying to stop our growth. We need to apply Pauline views, how to know, reckon and yield (Rom 6:6, 11 & 12); how to sit, walk and stand in our faith, putting on God's armour (Eph 6:10-18), binding and loosing spiritual strongholds and Satanic powers. Rev 22:12-14 "Blessed are those who wash their robes and enter in through the gates to the city". Practise breathing in, binding the principality, loosing the power/influence of rejection, abandonment. Breathe out entering res. transfiguration, Omega saint transition (Rev 22:13)
5. Realignment with the communion of saints. We are not called to live in a dead zone but into relationship with spiritual beings. People under 45 today can't handle stress and the 'fight or flight' syndrome, leading them to take their lives with ten victims a week and ten times more with suicidal ideation. There needs to be a new awareness toward those who take their lives, helping them to journey on while transforming bonds of attachment. This involves being caught up on both sides of the veil into the glory cloud of witnesses (Heb 12:1) beholding and interceding for us. Rev 5:8 speaks of golden bowls full of the prayers of the saints and 2 Maccabees 12:46 says its a good thing to pray for the dead. See also 1 Peter 4:6. We can commit souls/spirit beings to Christ for his keeping as Paul did Onesiphorous (2 Tim 1:18). Christ has become Lord of the living and the dead (Rom 14:9). See Christ as the glorious rose of Sharon. Breathe out into darkness and up into the glory rose (SoS 2:1; Isa 35:1; Rev 22:2).
6. Alignment with the kingdom age. We are called to be progressive dispensationalists identifying with the Abrahamic, Mosaic, grace and grace millennial and Davidic covenants, making us post-millennial believers. In Luke 1:41 Elizabeth typifies the church age with the babe leaping in her womb, recognising Mary carrying the Christ child, symbolising the kingdom age. We are dispensational agents as lightwoman, male child, overcomers enthroned in Christ (Rev 12:5). Our apostle Paul speaks of the past, but now and ages to come perspectives (Eph 1:21) "far above rule and authority, power and dominion in this age and also in the age to come", "that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace and kindness towards us in Christ Jesus" (Eph 2:7). Hebrews 6:5 declares "we are partakers of the kingdom age to come". The Paulinite Benjamin company, sons of my right hand are kingdom age believers as Philadelphians experiencing the heavenly Jerusalem descending (Rev 3:12, Gen 35:18). Davidic Godmen shining; Ben Joseph, Ben Judah starmen ruling on the throne of David.
7. Alignment with Hebraic roots. This is a Jew/Gentile body where the old conceals the new and the new reveals the old. The whole book of Revelation becomes a play behind the curtain involving a thrust forward encounter with appearances of the Lord by enthroned believers experiencing a dual celestial Jew/Gentile archetype. Rev 1: The revelation of Jesus Christ made known through the angel of the Lord of hosts. Rev 1:6: the king/priest company saints knowing the sevenfold intensified Spirit. Rev 2 & 3: Overcomers walking in victory called to rule and reign. Rev 4: Caught up heavenly saints and the redeemed elect. Rev 5: Enthroned believers receiving a heavenly transmission from the Lord of the scars. Rev 6: Enthroned believers beholding the face of the Lord, knowing the killing work of the cross. Rev 7: Becoming a sealed overcomer via the "I am coming soon" Christ. Rev 8: As God's shining stars experiencing God's Whitehouse golden throne administration. There are the Moses/Elijah witnesses and the male child company. There are four scriptures speaking of us (NT believers) as spiritual Israel: Romans 2:28; 9:11; Galatians 6:16; Revelation 7:2-3. The resurrected Christ as another angel seals and marks us with the seal of the living God. 1 Cor 1:22 speaks of being sealed in the Holy Spirit and Rev 7 reveals the sealing of natural and spiritual Israelites as overcomers.
8. Alignment with who we are not who we are not. We are not Judaisers or proselytes glorifying the law and self-performance. (Rom 3:21). Our righteousness has been manifested apart from the law. We are not Judaisers possessing half a Jesus (2 Cor 11:4), living in a dead zone; dying of sickness with no kingdom transformation. We are not Judaisers who say they are Jews but are of the synagogue of Satan, denying the First and the Last who died and came back to life; denying we are Davidic Godmen, Philadelphian overcomers. (Rev 3:7-12). We are not Judaisers denying the millennial Sabbath. The Jubilee is a special year of remission of sins and universal pardon where slaves and prisoners are freed and the mercies of God are manifest. There is the septennial seventh year where the land lies fallow, the poor are allowed to glean and the Lord is pronounced as the owner of everything (Psa 24). Lev 25:38-51, Isa 58 & 61 look forward to universal rest, freedom and restoration, maintaining prophetic and eschatological views inaugurated by the Messianic Age. We are not Judaisers denying the priesthood of believers (1 Pet 2:9)
9. Alignment with Manifest Glory. The glory of God appeared in visible form within King Solomon's temple; the cloud and glory caused the priests to fall on their faces (Num 14:20; 1 Kings 8:10-11). 2 Chron 5:13 "For the Lord is good and his mercy endures forever". The word 'glory' is taken from the Latin word 'gloria' described as the manifestation of God's presence within a glow of light and a halo appearing on the head of a holy person or saint. The Hebrew word for glory, 'kabod', is interpreted as a weight of a mantle of light. In Greek the word 'doxa' is expressed as honour, dignity, splendour and majesty. 2 Cor 3:8 "Will not the dispensation of the Spirit be attended with greater glory". v18 "We are being changed from one degree of glory to another". Practise polishing your halo, putting on your garment of glory.
10. Alignment with the Man in Linen. Levitical Zadokites are united with Melchisedek as the King of Light being diamonds within the sea of glass (Rev 15:2) wearing brilliant white diamond robes with golden girdles (Rev 15:6) becoming primary and secondary gemstones, the eighth amber beryl stone within the cubed city (Rev 21:20) being aligned with new creation quickened Levites. The Man in Linen found in Ezekial 9:2 stands by the altar in the way of the north higher Benjamin gate, marking those who sigh and cry (Ezra 1:5; Jeremiah 20:2; Ezekiel 40:46; 48:22; Zechariah 14:10). These Levitical Zadokites symbolise an anointed remnant servant class of witnesses of the most high God, sealing the 144,000 (Rev 7:2-4). In Ezek 40:3 the Man in Brass with a linen cord and a measuring reed made up of intertwined strands typifying godmen ruling. Behold the Man in Linen walking on water over the antichrist system (Dan 12:6)
11. Alignment with the Church of Zion & King-Priest Company. David brought the ark up to Hebron and Zion. He was a model king of piety, having a repentant heart of submission, a forerunner of the Messiah; an appointed one, hero, champioin. He was not just a musician; he had the heart of a warrior possessing shepherding skills on the Master's level. Zion is the place where God dwells (Psa 74:2); the place where God is King (Isa 24:23). Zion is defined as a citadel or high point. The mountain of the Lord is our home forever (Zech 8:3). It is the home of the firstfruits overcomers (Rev 14:1). We have come to Mount Zion, the heavenly city of Zion. Ps 110 & 2 Sam 6:12-14 define David as a prophet, priest and king, wearing the ephod as a Melchizedekian king priest.
12. Alignment with Daystar Apostleship. The mission statement of the Church of Zion is to show alignment with each Messianic prophecy, uniting all the tribes with the Angel of the Lord of hosts (Rev 21:15-16), the bright and morning star. Davidic Godmen and the Lord Jesus Christ wearing Urim and Thummim. God's eternal rainbow linking up with the New Jerusalem gemstones. I want to arrange gigs and spirit fests. There is a spiritual and natural understanding, down six steps with a wellness plan; up six steps becoming uplifters, wise leaders, insightful seers, humanitarians, messengers of hope and life mentors
Colour Stone Sonship Tribe Saint Function
Blue SapphireBlue knight Reuben Michael Listener
Yellow Jacinth Ruler noble Ephraim Andrew Supporter
Black Sardonyx Angel prince Manass. James Grief fac.
Red Chalcedony Ruler noble Gad Simon Z Freedom F
Green Emerald Son of light Asher Philip Healer
Turquoise Chrysop Lightbearer Zebulun James L Trauma R
Burgundy Ruby Eloh Govnr. Judah Jude Th. Uplifter
Amber Beryl King Priest Levi John Wise Ldr.
Purple Amethyst Princes Benjamin Paul Ins.Seer
White Topaz ManifestSons Issachar Nath. Humanitarian
Silver Jasper Sh.KingPriests Simeon Peter Mess.Hope
Gold Chrysolite God-men Naphtali Thomas Supervisor

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(Jack Gielen, Church of Zion 0276780867 www.reigningingrace.org)
The Worldwide Church of God, Sabbath Keepers and first base Christendom looking to the earthly Jesus, are stuck in a rut with no post-resurrectional transformation. They are trusting in a 'do', not a 'done' reality without depending on the inner Christ, where all believers are part of the priesthood of believers (1 Pet 2:9), as priests, headship believers in the counterpart bride of Christ. Here are twelve post-millennial realities and reasons why legalists don't cut it any more.
1. Judadising legalists and first base believers don't see the Old Testament through the New Testament lens. 2 Cor 3:6 states God has made us ministers of the New Testament. Heb 7:22 declares Christ is the surety of the New Testament and Heb 8:6 declares he is the mediator of a better covenant. In Rev 11:19 John sees the ark of God's testament within the temple of God as the spiritual dwelling place for believers. The ten commandments dictate civil laws protecting society and the law brings conviction for sin, being a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ that we might be justified by faith (Gal 3:24). The Hebraic roots reveal Abraham to us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead and have righteousness reckoned unto us (Rom 4:24). Now our righteousness has been manifested, apart from the law, to us, giving us us the ability to stand in God's presence (Rom 3:21).
2. Overcomers in Zion and glorified saints manifest the glory revival of renewal and restoration of God's presence (Joel 2:32). God's presence releases supernatural signs and wonders, fire tunnels, heavenly portals and convolutionist parallel reality of indestructible spiritual martyrdom dealing with persecution and sufferings for Christ; encountering ecstatic trances along with levitation - "So will not we go back from thee: quicken us, and we will call upon thy name." (Ps 80:18 AV), "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord (Acts 3:19). The glory revival reveals the heavenly descending, stepping into the numinous, New Jerusalem glory bubble "Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;" (Rev 21:2, 11). As believers we move from Passover to Pentecost and into Tabernacles. where we experience the cohabitating glory of God. When we practise keeping the Edenline Sabbath, 6pm on the Saturday we align ourselves with the New Jerusalem bubble where Christ comes to reign from. We practise the physical, spiritual, millennial sabbath (Isa 66:22-24 "the new heavens and new earth remain before God") stepping into the Golden Jubilee freedom, justice and equality (Jer 3:17-18; Zech 9:14).
3. Omega transition saints and overcomers in Zion practise the communion of saints, being the communion of holy people between heaven and earth. There is the church militant as God's army and the church triumphant; the inter-generation wisdom of the young and the elders throughout the ages. Omega saint translation believers who express holy, heroic virtues caught up on both sides of the veil. There is the illuminated skeleton based on the dew of herbs illuminaries: "Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead." (Isa 26:19). "..Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light." (Eph 5:14 ). In 2 Cor 5:4 it states "We groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling". These verses refer to spiritual regeneration. Sectarian legalists who cause their members to commit suicide, failing to promote true heart transformation and newness of life, failing to promote the communion of saints being caught up on both sides of the veil as ascensionists (Rev 5:6-8; 14:1). These harp and bowl ministers practise transforming bonds of attachment with the four living creatures and the 24 elders, holding harps and golden bowls full of incense which are the prayers of the saints, living and dead.
4. Overcomers in Zion, who are not legalists, include the Gentiles as spiritual Israel. Rom 2:29 - "He is a jew who is one inwardly and circumcision is a matter of the heart". Rom 9:8 - It is the children of the promise who are reckoned as descendants; this includes also the star and sand people (Heb 11:12). New Testament ministers promote Paul plus Israel. Gal 6:16 - the new Israel of God. There are two sealings or marks on New Testament believers. The first is 2 Cor 1:22 "Sealed with the Holy Spirit in our hearts". This includes Eze 9:4 - those who are marked as sighing over sin by the Man in linen and the second sealing - the 144,000 who are sealed by another angel as overcomers. Christ is wearing the Urim and Thummim representing Ben Joseph, Ben Judah and dual citizenship consisting of Jews and Gentiles identifying with (Rev 22:16) the " I am", the root and the offspring of David, a theophany of Christ. The olive tree represents Ephraim and the lamp of David typifying Judahites, who are Davidic god-men shining. Christ is the angel of the Lord of hosts and the bright and morning star.
5. Kingdom age dominionists who aren't pre-cross legalists (Dan 7:14) acknowledge joint partnership with our Lord Jesus Christ, where the Gentiles are members of the same body (Eph 3:6). Paul as the apostle of the Gentiles beseeches the Galatians to "become as I am" (Gal 4:10-12), one who knows God - a post resurrectional believer. Benjamin Paul celestial men identify with dual citizenship, the 24 elders (12 are Jew and 12 are Gentile (Rev 4:4)). The 12th amethyst stone within the New Jerusalem (Rev 7:8 "The twelfth tribe of Benjamin" and Rev 21:20 "The twelfth amethyst stone" typify Paul plus Israel. In Acts 10 Peter is told "not to call common what God has cleansed" and is later rebuked by Paul at Antioch for not eating with the Gentiles. Both star and sand people are shining stars and living stones and caught up, rapture ready, experiencing the coming of Christ both within and without as post-millennial believers.
6. Corporate god-men, as omega transition saints, recognise the all-inclusive, pneumatic Christ. Christ has taken our humanity into his divinity. He is Lord of the new humanity, the Lord of the scars (Rev 5:7), the Godman of the god-men (Rom 1:2-5). Legalists and first base believers only have half a Jesus (2 Cor 11:4-5). I once had a vision of a cocoon of light where the wounds of Christ were superimposed over my body while levitating and I heard a voice saying "To those who have eyes to see, I have already come". I believe we are being progressively being conformed to Christ's resurrection body as defined in Col 1:21, "He has now reconciled us in the body of his flesh by his death in order to present you irreproachable in his sight". This is both identification with the cross and conformity to Christ's resurrection body (Luke 20:38; Php 3:21; Rev 21:17).
7. As believers we are miniature Jerusalems expressing cohabitating glory. John 14:2 - The mansions are abodes where Christ lives now. Galatians 4:26 - "The Jerusalem above is free and she is our mother (now)". Hebrews 12:22 - "You have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the New Jerusalem (now)". First base Christian "gonna-wannabes" waiting for Jesus to come back, when Jesus is waiting for them to be transformed. We co-operate to bring about a manifestation. Postmodern humanity is stuck in a death culture where people need to experience real transformation and manifestation within revival, kingdom-age glory. In Ezekiel 28:13 Satan is walking up and down in the stones of fire, stealing the living stones and shining stars; setting his throne up above God as in Isaiah 14:13-14; sitting on the mount of assembly in the far north. He wants to shut down the New Jerusalem diamond and multitudinous apostleship with 48 angels posted to the cubed city, four square wide - a blended, spiralling cone experienced as a kingdom age, parallel reality (Rev 21:13 "Seeing and hearing the Lord from the throne as NJ diamonds").
8. Glorified saints and overcomers in Zion believe in the thrust forward reality into the book of Revelation where we become king-priests (Rev 1:6), sea of glass overcomers (Rev 15:2) and caught-up, enthroned believers as miniature Jerusalems (Rev 12:5). These kingdom-age believers partake of the angelic structure found in Revelation 4:8. The living creatures - the lion, the eagle, the man, the ox, expressing courageous, visionary, compassionate service, the man typifying the body of Christ with Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael becoming part of the same angelic structure that the body of Christ cooperates with. Legalists and first base believer "gonna-wannabes" consign the kingdom age to the future and don't believe in the gap theory where Satan was cast down to the earth (Genesis 1:2 - "darkness was on the face of the deep"; Job 38:30). We are in Christ from eternity past and shouldn't be robbed by orthodoxy. Christ saves us out of death and into our immortal natures (2 Tim 1:8-10). God's grace was given to us in Christ Jesus ages ago. Its not Adam after the fall but in Christ before the foundation of the world.
9. Pauline ascensionists believe in the caught-up ready experience contrary to Judaizing legalists. The glory cloud defined by Paul the apostle, who patterned the rapture on his own caught-up experience as in Acts 14:20, 2 Cor 12:2, 'The Apocalypse of Paul' and realised eschatology. We should ascend as Paulinites into the heavenly glory cloud (Dan 7:13; Mat 24:30; 2 Cor 12:2). The word "Caught-up" is "harpazo" meaning "to seize up, catch away, taken up by force". The male child in Rev 12:5, was caught up to God and his throne and Enoch was translated "methestemi", "transported, carried over into". Paul uses the same word in Col 1:13 "translated into the kingdom of his beloved Son". In 1 Tim 3:16 the god-like ones as godmen are also taken up into glory with Christ. In Genesis 6:4 there is an illegal marriage between fallen angels and the human race producing nephilim. They will mingle together but they will not cling - Dan 2:43. The Covid Phizer graphic iron nanoparticles produce a demonic, electronic layer between man's spirit and God. Trans-humanist civil unions and man playing god is a manifestation of the antichrist, demonic union.
10. Daystar Apostles and glorified saints identified with the angel of the Lord of Hosts - Rev 21:15. The incense altar and cherubim ministry in Heb 9:4; Rev 5:8, 8:3, administers God's Whitehouse rule where believers see the inner face of God. Judaizers see Christ as a fulfilment of OT shadows and types when Christ returns. However, we as god-men see Christ as the body now (Col 2:16-17). Hebraic roots are evident from Genesis to Revelation. Practise synchronising the word 'Yahweh' with your breathing, repeating 'Yahweh Tsabaoth (the Lord of hosts)', Yahweh Rohi (shepherd), Yahweh Rapha (he who heals), El Shaddai (the all-sufficient one). Apostle seers identify with Elohim and the Rev 11:11 doorway accessing Michael, Melchisedec and the dovestar anointing. Freed from the inner wounded child, the mindflayer and the dark virus illusionist within the matrix.
11. God-men reproductions of Christ, universal golden lampstands and the NJ (New Jerusalem) incorporation. We are being conformed to the image of Christ. There is the glory of the celestial body with us destined to bear the image of the Man of Heaven (1 Cor 15:49). The NJ is the consummation of all God has done, the central vision of God's economy, built up by the treasure of star and sand people shining with God's likeness and nature; a mutual dwelling place, a corporate Shulamite involving the Spirit and the bride: a divine romance between God and man. The golden lampstand expresses the triune God, the mingling of divinity with humanity whom we experience by turning to our Spirit partaking of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit infused with the riches of Christ.
12. Daystar Angelic Apostles identify with the NJ 12-sided diamond; a ball of pulsating colour and energy; a universal oracle. God's eternal rainbow, Urim and Thummim and the bleeping lights within the NJ game. The church age is over and the golden kingdom age is here with the seven angels message; the 'I am coming soon' Christ (Rev 5:6; 7:2; 8:3; 10:1; 14:6,8,9,17; 18:1) with the seven-fold intensified Spirit and radiance; the Lord of the scars with seven eyes and seven spirits sent forth into all the earth. There are also 12 angels attending the 12 gates of the city who are apostolic way-showers. The apostle Paul speaks of 'the angel whose I am and whom I serve (Acts 27:23)" and 'you received me as an angel, even as Christ Jesus himself (Gal 4:14)'. There are also seven temple testimony angels as Levitical Zadokites wearing the Urim and Thummim (Rev 15:6). These are angel princes with celestial, physical bodies going in and out of the New Jerusalem. Isa 32:1 says 'a king shall reign in righteousness and princes shall rule in justice'. There are seven NT apostles who see and hear the voice of God from the throne representing Christ found in Eph 2:20, 'built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone'. Eph 3:5 'the mystery of Christ as revealed to his servants the apostles and prophets' and 1 Cor 12:28 'God has set first in the church apostles and prophets, praying in tongues, being a springboard into these gifts'; 1 Cor 14:2; Jude 20). These NT apostles are: Paul, Sylvanus. Timotheus, Andronicus and Junius, Titus (2 Cor 8:23 'a messenger in Christ') and Epaphroditus (Php 2:26). When we identify with John the apostle, the sea of glass overcomers and the apostles of the Lamb within the NJ, we arrive at multitudinous apostleship (Rev 21:24 'The nations shall walk in the light of it and the kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honour into it'. There are also Omega translation saints (Rev 22:12-13) and also Davidic god-men shining within the root and the offspring of David, identified with the Lord of hosts wearing the Urim and Thummim as revealed through Christ, the bright and morning star. Daystar angel princes and angelic apostles authorise and empower the ambassador light force workers. Our glorious Father reaches into his heart and pulls out a rainbow diamond emitting from the crystal sea, giving it to each and every believer; identifying us with the 12-pointed star and diamond, dialoguing with a holographic, holophonic image via the Shekinah Glory Cloud (Rev 21:11). We are in the 3rd wave Apostolic Age Movement. As Omega Transition Saints we see and hear the Lord, ascending into 'kairos' eternal time we manifest the fullness of Christ, reflecting his glory (Rev 21:13 "Surely I come quickly to reward every man for what he has don. I am the Alpha and the Omega"). The Daystar Apostle is ruling and reigning in Christ (1 Cor 6:2).

Jesus Heavenly Ministries and the Omega Vision
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Kingdom age revival glory (Jack Gielen, Church of Zion 0276780867 www.reigningingrace.org)
In these apocalyptic dark times, Daniel's timeline end-of-days is here (Daniel 9:24): 70 x 7 x 7 = 3430 years from going into the promised land until the Jubilee Year 2017. To seal up vision and prophecy; to anoint the most holy place and to restore Jerusalem. We as Christians are called to herald in the reign of Christ as co-kings, co-warriors and the coming of Christ within. We all should identify with the earthly Jesus, the post resurrectional Christ (the same as the pneumatic Christ) ascending with the Lord into the Revelation 11:11 ascension doorway and into the New Jerusalem diamond bubble. 10% of Christians know the call of God on their lives with only 5% bringing it to pass or fulfilling God's will. The body of Christ is held to ransom today by pulpiteers who shut down the kingdom age access to the Father and the heavenly inheritance downloads. My desire is to show the three steps to walking with God of admit, believe and confess and receive, accepting God's acceptance of you in Christ: reconciled, redeemed and restored. Furthermore, my goal in focus is to show how God's enlightenment leads to transformation by practising twelve ways of entering into the Kingdom Age reality.
1. Admitting we are sinners, believing Christ died for us, confessing Christ, receiving our inheritance, We are all seekers who need spiritual healing and restoration. God is looking for a relationship with everyone and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in him. In Psalms 105:4 we are told to "seek the Lord and his presence and face". In Zephaniah 2:3 we are commanded to "seek the Lord all ye meek of the earth so you may be hidden on the day of the Lord's wrath." In Acts 17:27 Paul on Mars Hill says "seek the Lord that you may feel after him and find him though he be not far from every one of us". God has made provision for your healing and restoration, restoring your body, soul and spirit. In Ephesians 1:7 we repent because we have been redeemed; redeeming our family bloodlines. God has done it all for us and he has provided the way back to him. We need to acknowledge faith in the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Christ in order to come into God's current dispensation of grace and acknowledge Paul, God's apostle of the Gentiles. In Isaiah 1:5-6, as seekers who need spiritual healing prayer from being troubled, rejected, depressed, lonely, being traumatised, broken-hearted, underprivileged, and suicidal. "Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrefying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment." We need to accept God's acceptance of us as reconciled, redeemed and restored. Ephesians 1:10 tells us "We are accepted in the beloved" where we experience God's love, mercy and grace.
2. Believing. As ambassadors for Christ we have the ability to make others God's friends who are reconciled to him. In 2 Corinthians 5:19 God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not counting our trespasses against us. So every man, woman and child in the world has been potentially saved and reconciled to God. The word 'reconcile' in the Greek is 'apocatastasis' which means to be reconstituted and reconciled fully (Col 1:21). 'katallage' means restitution to divine favour and 'hilasterion' means God has atoned us and through the propitiatory sacrifice is merciful towards us, making us mercy seat ministers through the golden altar (Rev 5:8-10 "Thou hast redeemed us by thy blood making us King-Priests with the council of elders, having golden bowls full of incense"). In 2 Timothy 1:2 Paul calls Timothy his beloved son with grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. It is God's love and mercy that transforms us and through Timothy training we become Pauline father-mentors ministering the father-heart of God as ambassadors we embody God's grace, mercy and peace, reconciling others to Christ. In 1 Timothy 2:4 we read about the divine training in the faith with God ministering the Triune God and the riches of the pneumatic Christ into our hearts.
3. Confess and receive practising calling on his name, ascending, caught up within, submitting to the heavenly throne. Christ is the life-quickening Spirit (1 Cor 15:45, Joel 2:32, Rom 10:9, 1 John 4:15, 2 Tim 2:22) and when we turn to the Lord, calling on his name, the veil is lifted and we experience the dispensing of the Triune God, linking up as enthroned believers on a composite throne as corporate god-men. Practise lifting the right arm into the air; spread your hands out like an eagle; bow down before the throne and come up in the star formation (Rev 12:5 the rod, eagle, throne star formation)
3A) Enlightenment leading to transformation and restoration of everyone, Paul plus Israel. It is not Adam after the fall but in Christ before the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8). If Satan had already perverted God's plan, creating the darkness over the deep known as the gap theory (Gen 1:2), then God through a post-millennial reign has to restore what was taken away, fully restoring us in Christ (2 Tim 1:9-10). God's grace and purpose was given ages ago in Christ Jesus manifested through his appearing, abolishing death, bringing life and immortality to light. Christ died to save us from death and out of death (2 Cor 5:13). Restoration is the act of returning someone to a satisfactory state; to repair and reconstruct. To restore is to unite all things in Christ through the restitution of all things (Acts 3:21). We are destined for the throne as saints of the Most High. God wants to restore our health, our fortunes, healing our wounds, restoring the dwelling places and palaces of Jacob, making us noble princes and spiritual governors in Zion through our prayer, travail and intercession (Jer 30:6,17,18,21). Practise facing north, wrapping your arms around your chest; close and open your eyes, smiling at the Lord, shining in your heart; revealing the glory of God in the face of Christ (2 Cor 4:6). Form a heart with your hands, raising them above your head, signifying being an enthroned believer and saint of the Most High (Dan 7:18,22,27).
3B) The language of the heart, resurrectional transfiguration and the sevenfold radiant glory. Isaiah 28:11 calls us into rest "by stammering lips and another tongue I will speak to this people". Acts 2:4 says "They were all filled with the Spirit and spoke with other tongues". The Greek word for tongues is "glossalilia" which is unintelligible language of the heart, repeating "poppa, dada, shaka, shekinah", taking the believer into a somnambulistic sleepwalking, collective unconscious resonating state. 1 Cor 14:2 "If anyone prays in an unknown tongue, no one understands them" as it is not a transliteration; it is a language of the heart. 1 Cor 12:28 says tongues are a platform to the other ministries - apostleship, prophethood. Teachers, miracle workers, healers, helpers and administrators. We as firstfruits resurrection believers, groan inwardly, waiting for the adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies (Rom 8:23) connecting us with our future, glorified bodies where we experience resurrectional transfiguration being a change in form or appearance into a beautiful, spiritual state where we experience metamorphosis - an exalted, glorified, spiritual change, entering sevenfold intensified radiant glory (Isa 30:26). Practise sleepful wakefulness, being caught up into the star formation, breathing out, groaning inwardly, connecting with your spirit body (Rom 8:23) and breathing in, bringing your hands together with fingers touching, creating a set of angel wings (Isa 26:19 "Awake and sing ye that dwell in the dust. Thy dew is the dew of luminaries"; 1 Cor 15:52).
3C) Identify with the Prince and the princely community, Levitical, Melchizedekian King Priests who are saints of the Most High. Daniel 7:18 tells us the saints of the Most high shall receive the kingdom. These are princes and princesses, sons and daughters of the King of kings, with strength and abilities to be used in his kingdom. They are cherished members of God's royal family, given access to the fullness of his love and provision. The Most High is Elohim and Elyon is an epithet of the God of Israel, Is - the Shekinah Glory; Ra - the breath of God as in the word AbRAham and EL meaning God. All the deity names are connected at the fourth level. The Levitical King Priests within the midst of the city with the Prince and the princely community. Ben Judah on the east and Ben Joseph on the west. The name of the city is Yahweh Shamah - the Lord is there (Eze 48:22). The deity names include the Ancient of Days (Dan 7:9), the King of Glory (Psa 24:7), the Lord of Hosts (Isa 24:23), the Man in Linen and the Multitudinous Body (Dan 10:4), all having their fulfilment within the Angel of the Lord of Hosts and the bright and morning star with Christ as Ben Joseph, Ben Judah wearing the Urim and Thummim. Ritual: Synchronise the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with your breathing in and breathing out repeating "King Jesus, King Jesus".
3D) Practise beholding the Lord. Contemplation is concentration without elimination where we look at God and he looks at us. We are listening to the still, small voice (1 Kings 19:11-12). The Lord passed by as a theophany. Isa 61:3 says "Nations shall come to thy light and kings to the brightness of thy rising". When we enter into communion with the Lord, within the most holy place, we behold the Shekinah glory of the Lord upon the cherubim (Num 8:89 "Moses heard the voice of God speaking unto him from off the mercy seat". He had a face to face friendship with God. Practise being a most holy place believer, gazing into the face of Jesus, gently pulsing with your arms enfolded around yourself. (Heb 4:16).
3E) Imagine your head represents the chariot throne with four sides (Eze 1:26). The lion on the left side, the eagle to the right, the man behind and the ox in front - Michael, Gabriel, Phanuel, Raphael. Moving your head in circles, blinking twelve times, connecting with a clock face, identifying 12 thrones and 24 elders as the redeemed elect, the Jew-Gentile tribal alliance. We are focusing on the thrust forward Kingdom Age (Rev 11:15) with the killing work of the cross, the white, red, black and grey-blue horses of the apocalypse going prostrate before the face of him upon the throne (Rev 6:16). We partner with the angelic structure, the "I am coming soon" Christ, seven times another angel (Zech 2:2; Rev 7:2, 8:3, 10:1; 14:6,8, 15,17; Rev 18:1).
3F) The sevenfold blessing, intensified Spirit and radiance (Isa 61; Rev 1:4; 4:5; 5:6; 22:4). Practise acknowledging the Spirit is upon you to experience the sevenfold blessing. Isa 61:4 declares what God's people will do by repairing the waste cities. Verse 5 and 6 declare God's people set aside for service as priests. Verse 7 - God's people will rejoice in their portion. Verse 8 - God's people experience the everlasting covenant. Verse 10,11 - the covenant brings salvation and righteousness found within the God factor seed. Practise the grieving tree ritual by going down on your knees with your face to the ground, identifying with the roots of the tree. Verse 3 speaks of trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord. Grieve at the foot of the cross, letting go of grief and loved ones, slowly standing up with your hands lifted up in the shape of the tree of life, smiling at the Lord.
3G) The Davidic God-man shining practice. (Zech 12:8-10). Kneel grieving at the foot of the cross, bringing your hands together with fingers touching, forming two angel wings, identifying with the bright morning star, the Prince of princes, becoming Philadelphians (Jer 17:2; Rev 3:7; 22:16)
3H) Practise identifying with the omega saint transition and the composite throne (Rev 22:1, 13). Breathing out, into your inner solar sun and breathing in, bringing your arms around forming a circle, looking into a photonic, illuminated, corporate God image. The saint's movement manifests the Kingdom of God wherever they live and work in a supernatural, miraculous way.
3I) The golden altar, gold redeeming light practice. The golden altar typifies a divine mystical realm where we merge with God's being, communing with the Shekinah Glory upon the mercy seat.AS vitalised overcomers we administer God's rule. The communion of saints allows us to ask the saints, who are spiritual guides and mentors; men and women of heroic virtues (Rev 5:8; 8:3)
3J) Practise the baptism in fire, breathing out, repeating the name of the Lord Jesus; breathing in repeating the words "angel princes, fire, fire" (Ps 104:4; 2 Thes 1:7 "When the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire").
3K) Practise the caught-up Elijah, Enoch, Pauline, chariot throne. Our focus is not on the boogie man but on the Kingdom Age. We don't buy or sell the Word, accepting the mark system, but identify with the mark of grieving over sin (Eze 9:7) and the mark of the Father in our forehead (Rev 13:18; 14:1). We are 'sea of glass' overcomers (Rev 15:1) and firstfruits, resurrection believers (Rev 20:5,6). Look within and walk with the Spirit in Paradise; visualise the Lord in glory saying "come up hither" as you turn to gold beside the crystal water (Luke 23:43; 2 Cor 12:4; Rev 2:7).
3L) Counsel of elders, ancient ones in the gate, where they administered justice. They were full of the experience of life and wisdom. They represent the redeemed elect and wear the overcomer's crown. We mirror what the 24 elders are doing. Identify with the blinking face clock and pray the burden of the Lord.


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NZSPT/F4J, NZ Suicide Prevention Trust & Families for Justice; Key to Hope, opening doors to recovery.
Jack Gielen. 0276780867; Janny 02041840082.

MISSION STATEMENT: The Buddy Support, Trauma Recovery, Advocacy Training Service involves enlightenment leading to transformation, empowering people - mothers, fathers and children, to change using their higher power and a Te Whare Tapa Wha - spiritual, mental, physical and social sphere model. Everyone puts on an Uenuku Korowai garment of light honouring the life force vital principle, Te He Mauri Ora, in everyone. Advocacy training gets people the help they need. Advocacy supports people and parents through family court encouraging Hauora healing, rehabilitation and recovery, helping them to fight the stigmatisation faced when children are uplifted. Advocacy training with causes and Buddy Support Trauma Recovery transformation identifies individual rights and responsibilities, dealing with the links to suicide. Lets consider reasons for advocacy.

1. Advocacy with causes allows you to apply for funding; fitting in with Charity Commission requirements as advocacy benefits society, helping people. Advocacy empowers mothers, fathers and other people to identify their rights and responsibilities.

2. Advocacy with causes endorses family restoration including advocacy for children; Mum, dad and the children Whanau Ora, both the biological and the extended family being healed. The bureaucratic system creates family alienation when you don't focus on family mediation and co-parenting, identifying with the dynamics which need changing; supporting real family values. The OT (Oranga Tamariki) ombudsmen accountability structure urgently requires independent evaluators as it appears that the puppeteers are creating broken famiilies with the lines going back to OT family wreckers; where scared parents have been burnt. Where are the social structures and strong advocates with wraparound arms services and community support? Where are the mental health advocates and suicide prevention initiatives to help parents, children and families to change and transform?

3. Advocacy with causes requires a proper social structure, empowering mothers and fathers to heal themselves. Advocacy helps them to self litigate or self represent by writing down and defining their journeys, providing a trauma recovery process facilitated by common law practitioners and court McKenzie Friends. This also includes court advisors being supervised by lawyers. Advocacy provides father/mother mentors including godparents, like grandparents and relations who can be there as role models.

4. Advocacy with causes provides a social structure promoting transformation with a code of ethics enabling mothers and fathers and state abused children and those suffering from alienation and addiction, to volunteer their abilities and skills; to help them selves by helping others. These are unskilled workers gaining experience as buddy supporters, humanitarians, trained mentors and law students. The code of ethics involves confidentiality, a complaints procedure, respect, equality and compassion, non-biased gender neutrality, humble cooperation, no smoking, drugs or alcohol, professional conduct, personal supervision and principles before personalities.

5. Advocacy training fits in with Treaty of Waitangi and Whakaputanga common law policy, acknowledging the sovereignty of chieftainship which promotes self-determination or Tinarangatiratanga, which focuses on the rights of all people. Advocacy promotes Wairuatanga or spiritual higher power expressed in honouring the life force or vital principle in everyone. Whakaputanga common law policy creates an enabling model for self responsibility and determination allowing parents to assert their bloodline hereditary rights, being proactive, not reactive in the law courts. There is the interloper non-biased judge, the principle you and the ecclesiastical God-granter of dominion, allowing you to assert your common law right; lore/law and legal privilege legalised with the help and assistance of your sovereign McKenzie Friend, who represents you in court pleading your case.

6. Advocacy training with causes provides the enabling power to facilitate a NZSPT (NZ Suicide Prevention Trust) rehabilitation program for those in prison, assessing risk, considering awareness, insight and behaviour using their higher power conscience and aesthesitic higher ideals and angels of our being. The way you manifest or react in a disagreement, or to an addiction, becomes a therapeutic opportunity. Why did you trigger or relapse? You want a win-win situation, otherwise there is a reaction with no empathy. Using the traffic light system, stop, think and act with our Buddy Support program, you put together a wellness plan, facing who you are, before stepping into a useful role. You do a countdown, ten years at a time in your life, looking at triggers, abuses and areas of deprivation found within your shadow, before ascending into the positive light of the twelve ambassador functionaries, e.g. the listener, the buddy supporter, the grief counsellor using talking therapy. We also use questionnaire tools to assess risks like patient self-harm risk as well as a generic depression and anxiety questionnaire, also acknowledging covid restrictions and pro-choice.

7. Advocacy training provides the opportunity for a health and wellbeing resources expo spirit fest. The twelve ambassador functionaries can empower individuals to fulfil or perform health and wellbeing roles. There is also a transformational leadership training indigenous model involving 1) the colour yellow empowering Mauri-Ora leaders. 2) the colour green empowering Ahurutanga leaders who lead by using communication and collaboration. 3) the colour purple empowering Kaupapa Matua managers and leaders upholding who we are and where we are going. 4) the colour orange empowering Kaitiakitanga wise leaders achieving organisational goals. 5) the colour blue empowering Kohapunga anchor transformational leaders of innovation in cultural new thinking with continuous improvement. This is where the expo helps those involved to use their talents and abilities to help each other. There is 'making your journey visual' art therapy and speakeasy theatre. There is also ministry to mental health advocates using a spiritual model with a medical model. There are many fathers and mothers who can mentor and offer a service as holistic healers, matakiti insightful seers (intuitive readers) or messengers of hope.

8. Advocacy training can facilitate Buddy Support Trauma Recovery, suicide prevention, 'silence no more' awareness marches, where participants remember their lost loved ones, quietly releasing balloons into the air; practising transforming bonds of attachment through a grief facilitation process; acknowledging loved ones on the other side of the veil. The Buddy Support Trauma Recovery Program provides a listener, a buddy supporter and a grief facilitator, using indigenous therapies; allowing individuals to put a wellness recovery plan in place; practising emotional wounding recovery. Join us and march to promote suicide prevention awareness days in Garden Place Hamilton and in your local area, bi-monthly. ( INSERT DATE/TIME ) Call 0508 435728 for help. Become a front line worker - call 020 41840082.

9. Advocacy training with causes helps us to promote Sunshine Singalong acts and gigs, promoting health and wellbeing; championing the cause of the universal spirit using trainer, educator entertainment. This involves using guides, counsellors, facilitators, coaches, mentors, caregivers and community leaders. The classroom becomes a stage using awe and wonder, engagement and novelty through the purple insightful seer who educates and enlightens using self expression. Speakeasy Theatre uses singing, acting, dancing and storytelling, where everyone participates in the sharing. If you would like to host a Buddy Support Trauma Recovery gig at your pub, restaurant or local venue, contact me (Jack Gielen) on 027 6780867.

10. Advocacy training with causes involving mentoring fathers and mothers, practising family mediation. This helps them to become common law practitioners, self representing in court. We are also seeking to establish common law courts within our communities where the judges appointed are answerable to the people. This gives us the opportunity to go into businesses, community halls and homes, offering many workshops and seminars where we instruct the people on natural jurisdiction. If you would like us to come and host an event contact Jack on 027 6780867. Your company can use its influence through the public, to share its support for a social environment or political cause using ambassador branding logos.

11. Advocacy training with causes promotes mental health advocacy working in partnership with you as a peer mentor. This is to have your rights heard in order to help you obtain the services and resources you need. Mental health advocacy uses a spiritual model with a medical model using the pou pou waiouma ouma - a caring nurturing, guiding, mentoring model assisting you in doing a wellness recovery plan; identifying key triggers in areas of abuse; refocusing you on positive roles and functions. There is a higher power, religious approach as well as advocacy in a peer mentoring approach utilising your higher power. Advocacy also works with patient's rights, teaching them to take responsibility, cooperating with their higher power. We also respect covid restrictions and pro choice using a questionnaire to assess patient self-harm risk, namely suicide first aid which involves connection, confrontation, confirmation and contracting with a safety plan. We also use the anxiety-depression questionnaire to assess need.

12. Advocacy training with causes helps you connect with the Church of Zion and daystar apostleship. This is all about direct access to God as Father with heavenly downloads, claiming your inheritance in Christ. The Apostolic Reformation Third Wave Age transitions the church into the reign of Christ, demonstrating and implementing the gospel into seven kingdom mountains of arts, business, education, family, government, media and religious spheres. "For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet." (1 Cor 15:25); "...The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever." (Rev 11:15); "He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus." (Rev 22:20). Whether you are pre, mid or post millennial it is about Christ reigning upon the earth with us as king-priests with Christ progressively coming within us believers "When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, ..." (2 Thess 1:10 AV)

The Rainbow Ribbons Buddy Support Trauma Recovery Program has a spiritual as well as a natural side. With enlightenment leading to transformation each individual puts on an uenuku garment of light and sound, becoming Ephraim Andrew Starmen as Yellow Buddy Supporters.

Alignment with Daystar Apostleship and New Jerusalem Diamond. A ball of pulsating colour and energy, a universal oracle, the Urim and Thummim bleeping lights within the NJ Game uniting all the tribes with the Angel of the Lord of hosts (Rev 21:15-16), the bright and morning star. Davidic Godmen and the Lord Jesus Christ wearing Urim and Thummim. God's eternal rainbow linking up with the New Jerusalem gemstones. There is a spiritual and natural understanding, down six steps with a wellness plan; up six steps becoming uplifters, wise leaders, insightful seers, humanitarians, messengers of hope and life mentors

Colour Stone Sonship Tribe Saint Function
Blue SapphireBlue knight Reuben Michael Listener
Yellow Jacinth Ruler noble Ephraim Andrew Supporter
Black Sardonyx Angel prince Manass. James Grief fac.
Red Chalcedony Ruler noble Gad Simon Z Freedom F
Green Emerald Son of light Asher Philip Healer
Turquoise Chrysop Lightbearer Zebulun James L Trauma R
Burgundy Ruby Eloh Govnr. Judah Jude Th. Uplifter
Amber Beryl King Priest Levi John Wise Ldr.
Purple Amethyst Princes Benjamin Paul Ins.Seer
White Topaz ManifestSons Issachar Nath. Humanitarian
Silver Jasper Sh.KingPriests Simeon Peter Mess.Hope
Gold Chrysolite God-men Naphtali Thomas Supervisor

Jack Gielen, Church of Zion, 0276780867; www.reigningingrace.org

Compiled by Jack Gielen, 2013.

Church of Zion 0276780867 www.reigningingrace.org